I still remember when i was a kid, i was always in love with weddings. Yes, weddings. What's not to love? The beautiful decorations, the door gifts people receive, the way people come together to make the wedding work, delicious foods, the beautiful dresses the bride and groom wear, and of course, the happy, we're-madly-in-love look on the pengantin's faces.
On every weddings i went as a little girl, i made a promise to myself that i'll have the most beautiful wedding ever. And be the prettiest bride ever. Or at least have the hottest wedding dress ever. And have a tall, dark and handsome husband. Come on, every girl has that dream right? Who wants to have a gloomy wedding? Or look like the Bride of Frankenstein?
As i am the eldest in my family, i've never been hugely involved in weddings. So i never really know how it's done. But i'm proud to tell the world that i have officially been a part in not only one, but two different weddings, two weeks in a row. i was the BRIDESMAID! *clap to self*
First of all, let me tell you a thing or two about being the bridesmaid, or in Malay; pengapit. It's not all about looking good, kipas-kipaskan pengantin, and take pictures. No, no, no. It's deeper than that.
1. It's all about the bride and groom. You might hate the color of the dress that the bride ask you to wear, but remember, it's her day. Make it special for her. Bagi chance laaa...
2. Be prepared. Don't show up empty handed. Carry a small clutch with you to put things like tissues, safety pins, wet wipes, lipgloss.. You'll never know when these things will come in handy.
3. Take note. A few days before the events, discuss with the bride or wedding planner on the flow of the events, pelamin arrangements, etc.. On one of the weddings i went to, things weren't smooth because of the pelamin arrangement was not well coordinated. Tempat tepung tawar kosong, hantaran were arranged right in front of the pelamin, the stage looks so crowded! It frustrated the bride and groom. Things weren't pretty, i tell you.
4. Be presentable. Make some effort to put makeup on, and style your hair accordingly. Yes, they're the ones getting married but if you the bridesmaid look ugly, the wedding pictures with you in it will be ugly too.
5. Smile.. And remind the bride and groom to smile. Sometimes, the pengantin gets tired or overwhelmed by mixed feelings that they forget to smile. So, make them smile. They'll thank you later for making them look good in the pictures.
6. Pay attention to the bride. Be aware of any signs of tears, makeup smudges, or sweat beads on her face. Fix her dress/veil/shoes/etc. Remember, it's all about her!
OK, enough babbling. Here are the pictures:
On every weddings i went as a little girl, i made a promise to myself that i'll have the most beautiful wedding ever. And be the prettiest bride ever. Or at least have the hottest wedding dress ever. And have a tall, dark and handsome husband. Come on, every girl has that dream right? Who wants to have a gloomy wedding? Or look like the Bride of Frankenstein?
As i am the eldest in my family, i've never been hugely involved in weddings. So i never really know how it's done. But i'm proud to tell the world that i have officially been a part in not only one, but two different weddings, two weeks in a row. i was the BRIDESMAID! *clap to self*
First of all, let me tell you a thing or two about being the bridesmaid, or in Malay; pengapit. It's not all about looking good, kipas-kipaskan pengantin, and take pictures. No, no, no. It's deeper than that.
1. It's all about the bride and groom. You might hate the color of the dress that the bride ask you to wear, but remember, it's her day. Make it special for her. Bagi chance laaa...
2. Be prepared. Don't show up empty handed. Carry a small clutch with you to put things like tissues, safety pins, wet wipes, lipgloss.. You'll never know when these things will come in handy.
3. Take note. A few days before the events, discuss with the bride or wedding planner on the flow of the events, pelamin arrangements, etc.. On one of the weddings i went to, things weren't smooth because of the pelamin arrangement was not well coordinated. Tempat tepung tawar kosong, hantaran were arranged right in front of the pelamin, the stage looks so crowded! It frustrated the bride and groom. Things weren't pretty, i tell you.
4. Be presentable. Make some effort to put makeup on, and style your hair accordingly. Yes, they're the ones getting married but if you the bridesmaid look ugly, the wedding pictures with you in it will be ugly too.
5. Smile.. And remind the bride and groom to smile. Sometimes, the pengantin gets tired or overwhelmed by mixed feelings that they forget to smile. So, make them smile. They'll thank you later for making them look good in the pictures.
6. Pay attention to the bride. Be aware of any signs of tears, makeup smudges, or sweat beads on her face. Fix her dress/veil/shoes/etc. Remember, it's all about her!
OK, enough babbling. Here are the pictures:
After Anna's solemnization.
This is the only picture i have in my camera.
At Kak Siti's wedding.
This is the same bridesmaid dress i wore at Anna's wedding.
My brothers, their girlfriends, the bride and groom, and i.
I'm the only one without partner. Sobs!
Jalan-jalan selepas kenduri
Being crazy.
Me. Myself. i
p/s: Gosh... i look fat right??
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