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April 26, 2012

First Trimester: Symptoms and Experience

Finding Out That We're Expecting

We weren't on any family planning. We are not rushing to be parents either.  We're more like "Kalau ada, alhamdulillah. Kalau takda, cuba lagi" Proses buat anak kan best.. Hikhik.

In early February, people have been saying that i lost weight, i look pale, i look cengkung, nampak tak sihat, nampak lembik, yada, yada, yada.. Bak kata As, "Ko nampak macam janda gila!" Yes, i have not been feeling well. Tapi tak pulak demam ke apa. Just tired, sleepy and hungry all the time. Of course, i didn't suspect anything.

On 22nd February, terdetik pulak "Ntah-ntah aku pregnant". Bought a home pregnancy test and on the next day, took the test at home and it is POSITIVE! 

i was excited and scared at the same time. My first thought was "Ya Allah, macam mana nak beranak? Sakittttt!"

Sebab dah lama beli tiket, malam tu jugak pergi concert Evanescence Live in KL. Selamat tau awal, tak lah saya melompat cam orang gila kat konsert tu. Kalau tak... Tatau lah apa jadi.

Morning Sickness and Other Symptoms

At first, it was an easy and happy pregnancy. Aside from the breast tenderness (hubby was not allowed to touch!), i eat all the time, but at the same time i lost weight. i feel tired all the time and the best part is, kol 10 malam dah golek-golek atas katil tunggu masa nak tido! No more insomnia.

Middle of week 5, i started to have morning, day and night sickness. Oh God, it was horrible! i can't eat in the morning, i don't have appetite. Take lunch at noon and throw up 1-3 times. At night was worst. Muntah, muntah dan muntah. Pening kepala toksah nak cakap.

Aside from that, frequent urination also accompanies pregnancy. Kalau malam dah tido tu 2-4 kali jugak la bangun gi kencing.

Morning sickness tahap teruk ini dialami pada mid of week 5 sampai lah around week 11. Start minggu ke-11 tu, dah kurang sikit. Mual-mual ada tapi tak lah teruk muntah. Seminggu 2-3 kali je muntah.

Entering week 12, i had a pretty bad stomach cramp. Sakit macam period pain. Ada satu malam ni sakit sangat sampai terjaga dari tidur. Sampai nangis. Sakit perut sampai sakit tulang belakang. Doctor said cramping is normal, as long as there's no spotting or bleeding. Cramping is caused by expansion of the uterus to make more room for the baby. Back pain is caused by the joints around pelvic area are loosened, to accommodate your growing baby and uterus.
High Fever on 8 Weeks of Pregnancy

i wasn't so lucky on week 8 though. i had high fever followed by rashes all over my body. i was so scared because i thought it was dengue. Time tu fikir baby je. Ok kah baby, boleh survive kah? Sebab demam semasa mengandung boleh efek baby in so many ways. i was warded for 4 days. Alhamdulillah it was not dengue, just viral fever. Blood was taken everyday to monitor dengue/virus. Main treatment is IV drip. Day and night, kene masuk IV drip. Tangan sampai bengkak-bengkak!

Sometimes when body temperature got high, they'll give me Panadol. No other medicine than that.

Paling penting baby okay! Alhamdulillah.

 Swollen hand because of the IV drip. Takleh pakai cincin kahwin time tu!

 Our little pea at 8 weeks. 
Alhamdulillah the baby is okay and not affected by mummy's high fever.
Seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat for the first time made me so emotional! i almost cried. Almost.

Entering the Second Trimester.. Yeay!

Last week, i started week 13. Some says it's the beginning of second trimester. Yeayyy! Second trimester adalah best diorang cakap. One, because your chance of miscarriage is greatly decreased. Baby dah membesar dan lekat kuat dalam rahim, so konfiden sikit lah takda keguguran. Two, they say you'll feel more energetic, selera makan kembali dan yang paling best, tiada lagi morning sickness! And three, your sex drive will return. Believe me, between morning sickness, breast tenderness, and being tired, you have no desire at all for sex in the first trimester.

At 12 weeks 3 days
Attending department's team building Oscar Dinner.
i can still fit in my wedding skirt and danced for dinner night's performance.

April 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday : Pregnancy Sacrifice

April 23, 2012

i'm Getting Married.. Again!

You read that right!

We got married in December 2011 in KL.

Due to parents-in-law busy-ness in performing Hajj in November, we didn't have much time to prepare for our wedding reception in Kuching (parents-in-law's home).

Sooooooooo... Kami akan naik pelamin lagi! Yeayyyyy!

Majlis (insyaAllah) will be held on 19th May 2012 at Penview Hotel, Kuching.

And yes, i'll be (insyaAllah) 4-months pregnant at that time! Wooooootttt!

i'm so loooking forward nak bersanding lagi bertiga dengan baby pulak. Bajet feeling ala-ala Mat Salleh gittew dah bunting baru nak kawen. Huhu.

Alhamdulillah preparation berjalan lancar. Kebanyakan details and planning are done by mom-in-law (i can call her Mama now.. Hehe). Kami ikut sahaja memandangkan majlis kat KL haritu kami handle sendiri. Kasi chance diorang pulak buat ikot suka. We just need to prepare our attire, bunga telur dan hal menjemput sedara-mara dan kawan-kawan dari KL.

Baju memang takleh sewa lah. Kene tempah memandangkan perot akan memboyot.

Inspiration for my wedding dress. 
Image from InnaiRed

Harapnya semua lancar. Amin!

Excited mode on!

April 15, 2012

Bun In The Oven

Been wanting to blog about this for a while..


Murah rezeki kami suami isteri..

i'm 11 weeks 5 days pregnant!

Our little munchkin at 11 weeks 3 days.
Alhamdulillah he/she is growing up perfectly.
During the ultrasound, he/she was actively kicking and scratching my uterus.
He/she even turn to face the 'camera', as if to say "Hi mama, papa and doctor!!"

That was the reason why i haven't been blogging lately. Hehe.

9 days to second trimester! Can't wait!

p/s: Please pray that my pregnancy is an easy one and the little one will grow up healthy. Thanks! :)

April 2, 2012

My Majlis Bersanding Vendors

*entry basi lagi*

It's been more than three months since our wedding. Tapi nak jugak hapdet pasal vendors. Hehe.

Alhamdulillah, our wedding reception went on smoothly. Phew! *wipe sweat off the forehead*

The day may not went off perfectly as planned; i was ready all made up at 11.30am (supposed to go off to the hall at 12.45pm), i didn't get the chance to take even a photo with ALL of my bridesmaids (sedihhh), didn't get to do outdoor photoshoot at Putrajaya as planned (time constraint), and deejay of the day totally sucks..

Despite all that, we had a great time! So happy to see friends and relatives. So glad that ramai orang cakap makanan sedap. So relieved that doorgift semua cukup (even though ada a few people tak dapat. Sebab semasa pengantin datang segala AJK Doorgift meluru ke pelamin tengok pengantin. Maaf!). So kembang hidung bila orang puji baju cantik, especially the emerald green color that we chose (all credit to Hubster. He chose that color).


Makeup by Amy Janz

Mula jatuh hati dengan makeup Amy Janz ketika melihat majlis pernikahan dan persandingan Farah AF2 dan Ayu Raudhah. Nampak berseri je diorang. Tapi sebab rate Amy Janz adalah out of budget, dipendamkan saja hasrat hati. Pastu si Aslinda dok menyucuk suruh amek Amy jugak (sebab dia pon dah book Amy). "Bila lagi ko nak mekap tebal meletops cantik tahap Ratu Universe ha? Masa ko kawen je lah. Tak payah saving-saving. Gi book Amy Janz sekarang jugak!" And i did.

Hasilnya? Sangat berpuas hati. Walopon saya tak lah kelihatan cantek cam Farah AF2, Ayu Raudhah ataupon Ratu Universe, saya cantek macam saya. Hehe.

 Getting all dolled up!

 Hair time

 Getting ready!

Dais, Walkway, and Bride & Groom's Attire by Glamstylista Boutique.

i got to know Glamstylista Boutique's from a friend (whom i met just once!). Semasa proses men-survey, we were looking for a boutique that offers newly-made bridal attire for rent. Meaning they make the bridal clothes according to our taste and size. Sebabnya husband nak sangat pakai warna emerald green (i admit i was skeptical at first but i'm glad i agreed on emerald green!) and there were not many boutique have that color. Kebetulan Glamstylista tengah buat promotion - no charges for newly-made bridal attire. Harga pakej within budget, we agreed to book them.

The owner, Lissa, dealt with us on everything. She designed the clothes according to what we want (kami mahukan baju cam wedding Elyana kat Mentakab). Pelamin and decoration was done as promised. Customer service was okay. Tak ada case kene tipu ke apa.

The only problem i had was the skirt for my baju kurung modern. The one Glamstylista made was not up to my expectation. It made me look 4 times my size (i'm not kidding - all my friends who saw my dress-fitting pictures said i look FAT). Lissa said they can't alter it. i was frustrated. i ended up making my own mermaid skirt. Will elaborate on that.

Other than that, Glamstylista's services were satisfactory.

 Simple white pelamin

 Naik pelamin!
 i love how our emerald green wedding attire pops out against the white dais and peachy pengapits.

Bride's Mermaid Skirt by Madukara Suteramas

Because i was not satisfied with the skirt that Glamstylista provided (as part of the wedding package) i decided to make one. Linda introduced me to Eusoph from Madukara Suteramas. Hasilnya? Sangat memuaskan! He made me a 16-panel skirt (macam Elyana punya lah), doesn't make me look fatter than i actually was and harga berpatutan.

Catering by Sri Angsana Caterer

i love love LOVE our caterer! Harga murah. Paling penting, ramai tetamu puji lauk kenduri kami sedap. Siap ada yang post kat Facebook. Muahaha. 

Memang tak survey caterer lain sebab dari dulu kalo gi umah orang kawen, paling suka Sri Angsana. Alhamdulillah Sri Angsana free masa wedding kami (only one slot available for December 25, 2011 when we came to book! Kalau lambat sikit memang tak dapat lah).

Antara lauk pauk yang terhidang untuk tetamu adalah nasi bukhari & nasi putih, ayam percik (my favorite! Kadang smpai skang teringat), ikan dory sweet sour, sambal sotong, kari daging, pajeri nenas, acar buah, bersama papedom, minuman dan buah-buahan.

The only downside is the deejay that they provided. Ada orang kata tak dengar sangat suara deejay. Dia pulak tak mainkan lagu yang kitorang dah sediakan (sebab thumbdrive ber-virus katanya). Tapi sebagai pengantin kitorang tak dengar sangat pon. Lepas majlis baru orang bercerita. Huhu.

Servis tip top. They cater to all our needs. Nak tukar itu ini dia layan. Waiter team cepat buat kerja. Thumbs up!

Wedding Cake by Little Bakerina

Wedding cake kami simple sahaja. A small cake with 3 tiers of cupcakes - Oreo and Red Velvet cuppies. Sengaja amek cuppies supaya senang diberi kepada tetamu. Cake sedap, harga pon okay. Dah a few times jugak tempah birthday cuppies with Little Bakerina. Sebab tu tau rasa sedap. We don't like those icing fondant cakes yang cantik tapi manis melampau. That's why we chose Little Bakerina.

Wedding cuppies by Little Bakerina

Soft Ice Cream by Wafi Ice Cream

For dessert, we decided to treat our guests with soft ice cream. Wafi Ice Cream was our vendor. Service tip top. Senang je amek order. Harga okay. Budak-budak dan mak bapak budak beratur nak ice cream pada hari kejadian. LOL. Contact them here.

Photographer & Videographer

Our official photograper was Mahadhar Mahmood. Love his work. Album and softcopy pictures were given to us in January. Suka album dia! All the photos in this entry are by Mahadhar.

Official videographer was Maze Lensa Studio team. Love working with them. We especially love our wedding highlight. Full video CD was given to us in March. We're satisfied with the work. Sebak bila tengok balik video especially video nikah full dimana suami sebak masa lafaz taklik. PRICELESS!

After 3 months of marriage..

.. Alhamdulillah we're happier than ever! Takda gaduh-gaduh (mintak jauhhh!), susah berenggang, rasa lebih tenang. At the same time we have seperate 'me' time - i have girls day/nights out, he has his boys time.

Semoga kami aman damai, bahagia selalu, dan dilimpahkan rezeki yang halal.
