Slide Show

June 27, 2011

The Greatest Marriage Proposal Ever! :')

No, i'm not talking about me.

You may have watched this video on Youtube. i have watched it close to 10 times myself. And it never fails to make me cry. All the time.

Isn't it sweet?

i love the fact that he personally ask the girl's father for her hand in marriage.

i like the fact that he's thoughtful - going through all the troubles to make this video for her. Rented the whole cinema just for this.

i adore the creativity of this - siap letak video nak rakam reaction pompuan tu.

Rasa romantik sangat lelaki tu, and beruntungnya pompuan tu.

And i cry all over again watching this.

Congratulations to Matt and Ginny!
That's a beautiful proposal.


June 23, 2011

Stick With You

i found this tagging game in a blog (can't remember which one) and thought it was fun. Here goes..

The Rules:

Put your music library on shuffle. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough. Ok, go! When you're done, tag 20 people in this note, and make sure to tag the person who sent you this. The answer to #20 is the Title of your note.

1.If someone says, “Is this okay?” you say..

Confessions of a Broken Heart - Lindsay Lohan

(gaaahahaha.. macam emo je tetibe confess broken heart)

2. How would you describe yourself?

Matahariku - Agnes Monica

(i'm my own sun!)

3. What do you like in a guy/girl?

This i Promise You

(meaning: don't go making promises you can't keep!)

4. How do you feel today?

Please Don't Stop The Music - Rihanna

(yeah! i'm in a happy mood today :D)

5. What is your life’s purpose?

Are You Happy Now? - Michelle Branch

(OMG this makes sense! i just wanna be happy in life)

6. What's your motto?

I'm Gonna Getcha Good - Shania Twain

(gaahahaha.. sangat berkaitan. i'll try as hard as i can to get what i want)

7. What do your friends think of you?

Diva - Beyonce Knowles

( Dude, seriously?? i guess so. Budak2 ni suka panggil aku diva. hahahaha... )

8. What do you think of your parents?

Love Story - Taylor Swift

(Awwww.. They ARE the loves of my life)

9. What do you think about very often?

Time is Running Out - Muse

( Aren't we all ran out of time? )

10. What is 2 + 2?

Wind It Up - Gwen Steffani

( haha geddit? kira la sendiri berapa 2+2 )

11. What do you think of your best friend(s)?

Only Girl (In The World) - Rihanna

( LOL! my friends are the best. the only girls in the world..)

12. What do you think of the person you like?

Not Like The Movies - Katy Perry

( OMG what a coincidence! This is my current favorite song and it always makes me think about our my relationship with Mr. Chenta. Coz it's not like the movies. "if it's not like the movies, that's how it should be. When he's the one i'll come undone and my world will stop spinning and it's just the beginning"  )

13. What is your life story?

Falling Away With You - Muse

(Err.. )

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Hot Stuff ( i Want You Back) - The Pussycat dolls

( gaaahaha.. i'm grown up enough and i definitely am NOT a hot stuff )

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?

i Could Not Ask For More - Edwin McCain

( "these are the moment i thank God that i'm alive. These are the moment i'll remember all my life. i've got all i've waited for and i could not ask for more" :') my all-time favorite song )

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?

Like You'll Never See Me Again - Alicia Keys

(Awww... This song is sweet! "so everytime you hold me, hold me like this is the last time. Everytime you kiss me, kiss me like you'll never see me again")

17. What will they play at your funeral?

Sexy Love - Neyo

(Haha.. kene laknat kalo aku mati korang pasang lagu ni. Bacakan Yassin please. i'll really appreciate it)

18. What is your biggest fear?

Apocalypse Please - Muse

(OMG.. Macam tau-tau je. Mesti lah! Hari Kiamat is my hugest biggest fear!)

19. What is your biggest secret?

So happy i Could Die - Lady Gaga

( hahaha.. i'm happy, that's not a secret)

20. What will you post this as?

Stick With You - The Pussycat Dolls

( "nobody's gonna love me better, i must stick with you forever")

Fun tak fun tak?? haha..

 This game was carried out by Jambu, my ever faithful companion in the form of an iPod Shuffle. Dah 3 tahun dia ikot saya ke gym, jogging kat park, dalam LRT, nak tido..

i'd like to tag a few people. Buat lah time bosan-bosan. Sure gelak bila questions and answers don't match. Huhu. Orang-orang di-tag adalah Zarith, Aliza, Erin, Mawai, Fizzy, SaraIn, Nani, Khairul, Kumang dan semua yang mahu.

June 18, 2011

Thai Green Curry

Last night i had dinner at Mango Chilli, Wangsa Walk.

The Thai green curry was so good i was craving for it today and decided to try make it on my own.

Maka, post ini akan menjadi blogpost pertama saya berkongsi recipi. Hehe. Simple gler resipi ni tapi sedap la jugak.


2 biji bawang kecil
3 ulas bawang putih
8 biji cili padi (atau seberapa banyak pon, sesuka hati)
1 paket Smiling Chef Green Curry Paste
Daun ketumbar
Daun limau purut
1 kotak santan Ayam Brand (kononnya healthier choice. Reduced fat, cholestrol-free, bla bla)
Setengah ekor ayam (saiz ikut suka. Selalu kat kedai potong kecik without bones but i like it with bones)
1 biji terung (tapi saya tak letak sebab terung kurang digemari di rumah ini)
1 biju kiub pati ayam

 Ini lah rupa packaging Smiling Chef Green Curry Paste. i brought it at Cold Storage. Mana-mana kedai pon ada. Brand lain pon banyak.

Cara masakan:

1. Perap ayam dengan Smiling Chef green curry paste selama lebih kurang sejam. 
2. Tumbuk/blend bawang kecil, bawang putih dan cili padi sampai lumat.
3. Didihkan santan dalam periuk bersama dengan lebih kurang 200ml air (200ml ni sama ngan jumlah santan dalam kotak tu) dan masukkan bahan-bahan ditumbuk/diblend tadi. Masukkan juga kiub pati ayam.
4. Bila dah mendidih, masukkan ayam yang diperap dengan green curry paste tadi (masukkan sekali dengan paste tu).
5. Masukkan jugak daun limau purut dan daun ketumbar, biar rasa sebati.
6. Garam secukup rasa.

Dan hasilnyaaaa.....











My very own homemade Thai Green Curry.

Original Bootcamp : Session 5 and 6

i have this perception that Tuesdays' session is far more challenging than Thursday's session. In my 3 weeks of bootcamp, that is my observation.

This week is no exception. Session 5 on Tuesday wore me down. We had to do 4-minute long exercises. 4 minutes of forward lunges, 4 minutes of monkey walk, 4 minutes of gorilla walk (is that what it's called?), four minutes of push ups, and four minutes of every pain-in-the-thighs moves there are in the world.

Session 6 was fun as it was a bring-a-friend day. i didnt bring just a friend. i brought THREE friends. Abang Isnin, Mariah and Chuna. Huhu.  We did mainly stationary exercises in session 6. Abs exercises with Corporal Olga and lower body exercises with Corporal Hafiz. We finished it with a team-based exercise by doing a hundred burpees.

After 6 sessions of bootcamp, i don't think i lose any kgs. But i definitely see a few slight changes in my body; i'm fitter (tak lah senang mengah), more aware of the food that i eat (hello ko dah buat close to 100 push up and you wanna waste that by eating nasik lemak ayam goreng for dinner? No thanks.), and i can feel that my body is a little tiny bit toner now (especially kat peha dan lengan, thanks to those squats and push ups). Perasaan je la kan. Ntah fitter and toner ke idok.

i have another 2 sessions to go. Will definitely sign up for July. HOOYAH!!
June 13, 2011

Everyday i'm Shuffling!

Mr. Chenta's lil' brother, Adek, is currently in KL during the 2-week school holidays.

He's current interest is music ("i love music but i HATE playing the instruments!" he'd wail ). He loves watching MTV and Hitz TV. And he's only 12.

One day he played me this song on YouTube and ever since, it's been playing in my head all day and all night!!

LMAO - Party Rock Anthem feat. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock

It's catchy right? And it makes me wanna shuffle. i tried but i ended up looking like perempuan tengah pantang yang nak blaja berjoget.
Adek is going back to Kuching tomorrow. i'm gonna miss him like hell.

Adek and i, Eid 2009.

June 5, 2011

Original Bootcamp KLCC: Session One and Two

Session One

So after my first session at Original Bootcamp KLCC, i'm still ALIVE!

i'm not gonna lie to you.. it's not easy. It's almost hard actually.

For warm-up, we were seperated into two groups. Their warm-up is not our usual before-futsal warm up. Theirs involve moves like squatting, sumo steps, knee-up runs, lunges and heel-up runs. Agak mengah disitu kalau dah lama tak workout.

Next came the fitness test.

This was a nightmare.

The instruction was to do 20 reps squats, run until you see the yellow cone, come back, do 15 reps of push-up, run to the yellow cone again, come back and do burpees, run and come back. The results are based on your time. The shorter time you take, the fitter you are.

Squatting was an easy peasy job for me, i was one of the first to finish (bragging, i know) then off i ran. i thought the cone was like 50 meters away so i sprinted like a kid. Then i ran, ran and ran, i still couldn't see the cone. Rupanya kon itu is like 300 meters away. 300 freaking meters! Sudah mengah disitu (did i mention i HATE jogging?). Turn back and got down to do my push ups. 

Now, push ups are one of the things that i hate the most because i never get it right. At this point, i started to feel dizzy. i felt like giving up. 

Done with push-ups, i half-walk-half-ran to the cone and back. i felt like stopping and walk. But i kept on running. Now down to do my burpees. Burpees adalah susah ya Rabbi apabila ko mengah, sakit perut, and dizzy. Managed to finish off 10 reps and ran to the cone. At this point i mostly walked. Malas dah nak lari.

 OBC fitness test.
(More or less like this la)
Images are compiled from Google image.

In the end, i managed to finish in 10 minutes 39 seconds. Okay la timing ni. Average. Ade newbie ni finished at 8-ish minutes. Terer gilaa. Ade jugak yang finished at 14-ish minutes. Ikot kemampuan masing-masing. Tiada paksaan.

Lepas habis buat fitness test ni memang rasa cam nak koma je. Dizzy plus nausea, plus lutut ketaq.. Terbaik la weh.

Session Two

Came Thursday, i was half dreading it and half excited for my second session of Bootcamp. Dreading it coz my legs are still sore from first session

Surprisingly, compared to Session One, Session Two was easy peasy. We had to jog and side jog for warm-up.

Then we were divided into two groups; Alpha and Beta and were paired with a partner with same level of fitness. 

We did partner-exercises like squats, one-legged squats, errrr...Spiderman moves and gave each other piggy-back rides. At this point, i feel sorry for my partner. She's slightly smaller than me, meaning i'm slightly heavier than her. And she has to carry me on her back... And she did it for two rounds. Superwoman, this girl.

So yeah, Session Two is more bearable than Session One.

Can't wait to find out what Session Three has in store for us!