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January 29, 2015

New Nightly Routine

i did blog about trying to wean Afif off by putting lemon juice and asam jawa on the boobs.

Yeah.. That didn't go well. He ended up brushing those off with his hand and continue feeding without batting his eyes.

Aku pon sebenarnya malas gak la nak berusaha cerai susu sebabnya malas bangon malam buatkan susu especially when Mr. Chenta syif malam. Sleep is precious weh! So aku redho je ler.

Sampai la masuk week 27 of pregnancy. Aku prasan everytime dia bf, rasa contraction. Memula ingatkan kebetulan, tapi dah 2-3 kali gitu, memang sah la kan. i don't wanna risk premature labor or any other complication. So nak tak nak kene la wean off.

Ada orang suggest baca doa ni. Berkesan katanya.. 2-3 hari terus anak cerai susu..

source: here 


Seriously aku tak sampai hati. Aku tau doa ni bagus. Tapi betol betol tak sampai hati sebab ada perkataan "diharamkan ke atas kamu seperti daging babi".

Maka aku teruskan je la doa bahasa aku.


Aku letak Colgate.

Baaahaha.. Afif memang benci gosok gigi sebab benci rasa ubat gigi. So bila aku letak Colgate, memang terus dia reject.


First time dia buat muka pelik, pastu nanges. Lepas-lepas tu dia akan hidu dulu, pandang aku dengan muka hampa, pastu trus tutup baju aku. Kesian.

Now my nightly routine consists of Colgate application on an unexpected body part. Haha.

So alhamdulillah, skang no more bedtime feeding. Cuma malam-malam bila dia terjaga memang dia akan mencari la. Aku cepat-cepat bangon buatkan susu. 

i'm sorry baby. You're a big boy now. Make way for adik pulak ye. 

January 13, 2015

Big Baby

Last Friday i went for my 6th month checkup. And it was an appointment to remember because for the first time ever EVER, i went for a checkup alone, without my husband. He had to work and frankly, it's not worth it to sneak out from Sepang to KL semata-mata nak temankan aku checkup. i thought i'm gonna dread it (sebab kononnya aku sorang loser takde laki disisi gi checkup) but surprisingly, ramai je mak-mak gi checkup sorang. It wasn't all that bad.

Checkup went smooth. Dr. Noor Fidak tengok detail scan report and dia kata ok la. Dia check jugak umbilical cord and while it's longer than Afif's, drp muka dia aku rasa she thinks it's not long enough. Aku pon tatau. Baby is still breech at 26 weeks but she's not worried. Banyak masa lagi nak turun katanya but of course aku dah start cuak. Kene banyak sujud ni supaya senang baby turun. 

Anyway, in the 7 weeks that the doctor and i did not see each other, i gained 4kgs *nanges*. 

i complained about my crazy weight gain. Dr. Fidak kata "guess what? Baby you besar. That's why badan you tak nampak naik tp berat naik. Air ketuban pon banyak ni". Apparently he weighs 1+kg while he's suppose to weigh tak sampai 800g, measuring at 28 week instead of 26 week. Wow this baby really takes after his daddy. Doctor suruh aku jaga makan, kurangkan/skip carbohydrate and sugar coz those go  straight to the baby. Banyakkan protein. As i want to try for a VBAC, memang kene jaga la baby takleh besar sangat. i don't want his size to be the alasan why i need to c-sect if everything else is ok.

So much for the myth that pregnant women can eat whatever they want. Sigh.

Before the appointment, aku memang dah start jaga makan gak sebab tanak berat sgt masa jmpa doctor haha. But now i really have to step up my game. Switched from rice to brown rice.  No more 3-in-1 coffee, only black coffee less sugar for me. Nampaknye kene la makan salad or sandwich je at lunch coz malam mesti makan nasi kat umah. Tatau la berjaya ke tak haha. And those cookies, ice cream and brownies i love? Well, i'm not gonna give them up completely but i'll try to limit them.

Pagi semalam aku timbang, i lost 1kg already. Gila takkan baru control makan 3 hari trus turun berat? Haha.

Wish me luck, guys. Ingat senang ke control makan bila tengah ngandong? Doakan jugak aku berjaya VBAC.

Hello baby!

January 12, 2015


Sekarang Afif adalah obses dengan alphabets. Speech therapist soh buat macam-macam exercise like 6 ling sounds, kenal body parts, people and daily stuff but everytime aku duduk ngajar, dia lagi suka main alphabets or vehicle. Haih la anak.

But the good thing is he now recognize and actually pronounce a few letters, walopon pelat. He knows the letters that make up his name, even though i think he doesn't know that those actually spell his name. Haha. Watch this video:


Haha maafkan mak eksaited share video ni. Frankly instagram aku asik video Afif je pastu kang orang kata riak plak anak baru pandai sket dah haplod. Kat blog ni 2-3 kerat je nampak. Haha.

Seriously, being a mom to a special child is.. unexplainable. The road is not easy but i wouldn't say it's superhard that it's a burden. i say it makes me a much better person and frankly, i can not imagine Afif any other way. Every progress is golden coz i know it's a result of hard work. 

Long way to go but we'll get there, InsyaAllah.

January 10, 2015

6.5 Months

Yup, my pregnancy has hit the 6-month milestone.

Poor baby #2. Not much is updated this time around. Maybe it's true what they say, pregnancy/baby #1 you're so excited at becoming a mother/parent that you record all about the journey. Come pregnancy #2, #3 and so on, you'll be like, meh.

But, baby, mama loves you just as much.


Alhamdulillah, this time around, i only had a month of vomitting, nausea and morning/evening sickness. Entering second trimester i found myself sickness-free. Totally different with pregnancy#1; i didn't have appetite, vomit-fest and nausea up until the fifth (or was it sixth?) month. Easy breazy this time around. Which brought me to the next aspect of my pregnancy which is..

Weight Gain

Oh, boy. Ohhhh boyyy..

In total, i have gained 9kgs. 9kgs in 6.5 months! Every month checkup mesti naik 2 kg starting from the third month. Doctor bising gak but in my defense, i did not pig out okayy (denial). Aku makan amaun same je cam tak ngandong (denial). Just that this time around i love, love sweet stuff especially chocolate. My (almost) nightly fix consist of Chipsmore cicah dengan cold milk and my love for my own-baked Nutella brownie. i guess that's where the extra kgs come from.

My super-easy-to-make Nutella brownie.


So yeah. People have been noticing that this bump is definitely much bigger than my first bump. But it's totally okay. Afif was born at teeny weeny 2.34kg. i'm hoping baby #2 would be at a much healthier weight. Besides, i did a general health check-up and my glucose level and bone density tests came up good. i just have to be careful and watch my carbo intake from now on if i wanna lose weight easily post pregnancy.

At 19 weeks, when people started to realize i'm not just fat. i'm pregnant.

Both potos at 22 weeks. Amazing how different angles can either show or hide your baby bump.

26 weeks.
On Chuna's last day with PRD :'(


This time around i'm all about seafood and sweet stuff. i want fish, prawns, lobsters, squid, fish fish fish! At one phase, aku goreng ikan talapia ngan kunyit dan garam je or udang goreng kunyit makan ngan nasik and kicap EVERYDAY and those were the best meals ever. This baby is gonna love makanan kampung a lot coz aku memang tak berapa lalu makan pasta and other Western dishes. Dulu masa ngan Afif, aku suke makan daging and Western food.

It's true what they say. Every pregnancy is different.

Detail Scan at 23 Weeks

Last time when i was pregnant with Afif, i didn't do detail scan because my obgyn said everything looks okay. This time around, my ob/gyn advice us to do detail scan to see the umbilical cord's length. You see, Afif's umbilical cord was too short (sejengkal gitu je).. That's why he couldn't descend during labor and i ended up with a c-sect. So this time around, i'd like to try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-sect) but of course if my and baby's condition permit.

We went for the detail scan at 23 weeks. Aku jakun gila masa scan tu. Rupanya memang detail la dia check segala. Segala heart chamber, tulang and jari-jari tangan kaki, segala ukuran otak, perot, pundi kencing.. As for the umbilical cord, the sonographer said it's not possible to predict exactly the cord's length but if we see the cord at a few locations around the baby, it means the cord is long. Alhamdulillah, we can see the cord around the baby. InshaAllah panjang la kot idok ler sejengkal je.

 My still-kurus baby at 23 weeks.
Sleeping soundly marah kene kacau.

 The blue and red thingy is the cord.

During the last two ob/gyn visits, baby refuse to show his/her hoo-ha. Orang kata kalo dah malu-malu ni baby girl la selalunya. Naturally, rasa best gak kalo girl. Dapat la sepasang. But then having a boy would be fun too coz Afif ade la geng buli, wrestling bagai..

During this detail scan, jenuh jugak la sonographer tu godek and pujuk baby bukak sket kaki tu. Finally.. nampak jugak. Terang dan jelas.

Tak sempat sonographer nak cakap ape, i blurted out.. "Wow.. It's a boy.. Kan?"

Gelak je miss tu. "haa mama pon dah nampak kan. It's a boy!"


Kitorang laki bini were grinning like idiots.

We're gonna have another boy, guys!!