November, December and January are 3 kinda-busy months for me. Ada 3 orang kawan yang agak rapat kawen, and yours truly was one of the bridesmaids!
Punya la lama tunggu diorang punye official wedding photos, tapi tak kunjung tiba. Last-last membebel pakai gambar simpanan sendiri. Ai ni memang sangat pelupa orangye so kene la jugak blog pasal weddings ni. Buat ingatan di hari mendatang.
i'm honored to be a part of their wedding, even though it's small part. Walopon hanya menjadi dayang/pembagi bunga telur/penolong last minutes preparation/penggedik di gambar kawen orang/penggubah bunga, i had lotsa fun and learnt a lot. Boleh la saya praktikkan di hari perkahwinan saya kelak [ahem]. Bila lagi kita berkumpul ramai-ramai, had a perfect reason to tempah baju cantik-cantik, watch the girls drama live, cam whore mcm orang gila kan?
Nah gambar. Dicilok dari FB mereka and camera sendiri.

Me in a modest purple maxi dress.
Bridesmaid bouquet gubahan saya *nak jugak interframe!*
Punya la lama tunggu diorang punye official wedding photos, tapi tak kunjung tiba. Last-last membebel pakai gambar simpanan sendiri. Ai ni memang sangat pelupa orangye so kene la jugak blog pasal weddings ni. Buat ingatan di hari mendatang.
i'm honored to be a part of their wedding, even though it's small part. Walopon hanya menjadi dayang/pembagi bunga telur/penolong last minutes preparation/penggedik di gambar kawen orang/penggubah bunga, i had lotsa fun and learnt a lot. Boleh la saya praktikkan di hari perkahwinan saya kelak [ahem]. Bila lagi kita berkumpul ramai-ramai, had a perfect reason to tempah baju cantik-cantik, watch the girls drama live, cam whore mcm orang gila kan?
Nah gambar. Dicilok dari FB mereka and camera sendiri.
Ekin+Souffy's Wedding
November 28, 2010
It was held at Dewan Dato' Siti Hasmah (located belakang Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka) and was a simple and beautiful wedding, tapi agak kelam kabut for us the bridesmaid. Upon arriving we were busy arranging the bridesmaid bouquets that we didn't realize that the bride and groom were already at the entrance, waiting for us to walk down the altar. Kelam kabut. Ekin was practically in tears. It went well in the end. Phew~!
The joy of being a bridesmaid: Gambar extra-gedik with the bride and groom!
Guess who caught the bouquet?
But the myth that says the bouquet-catcher will wed next is so untrue coz Awin was the one next in line!
With my favourite flower; Gerbera daisy.
The only decent picture of the happy couple and i.
In+Boi's Wedding
December 10, 2010
Wedding yang traditional, sederhana tapi meriah!
Living in KL, i've always been to weddings that are held at a hall, restaurants and hotels. Not a traditional Malay wedding. In's wedding was held at her parents house, in her hometown in Merlimau, Melaka. Her wedding is a complete traditional affair with bernikah ceremony, malam berinai, and majlis bersanding all at her house. It was a breath of frseh air for me and i was so jakun and excited! Memang terasa kemeriahannya. Orang kampung gotong-royong, pelamin buatan sendiri, and her nikah ceremony was the MOST EMOTIONAL ceremony that i've been to.
Emotional moments.
In Melaka, it's a tradition that the bride's mom give a short speech/advice to the bride. Percayalah ucapan itu adalah sangat mengharukan. Contoh ayat adalah "Mak dah jaga kamu baik-baik, sekarang mak lepaskan kamu. Jadilah isteri yang solehah...". In return, the daughter will make a short vow to be a good wife and mother and say her thanks to her family. Sedih wooo. Hampir semua tetamu menangis. Pengantin lagi la meraung.
Gamba takleh kaver eksaited.
Two bridesmaids and a bride.
Double duty: bridesmaids dan penggubah bouquet!
Excuse our messy room.
Our oversized corsages.
Lesbos moments.
Uni mates! Linda, Siti, Mawai and moi!
Awen+Rizal's Wedding
Early January, 2011 It was held at Dewan Perdana Felda. We wore a maxi dress for this ceremony. Sukaaaa! Bukan senang dapat pakai dress gi Malay wedding kan? i brought my camera but i FORGOT TO CHARGE THE BATTERY! How stupid could i be? *hantuk kepala kat dinding*
Fret not, i managed to take photos using my phone. Specifically with my LomoLomo application. i ADORE this application!
We're almost ready..
Bridesmaid bouquet gubahan saya *nak jugak interframe!*
She help designed my purple maxi dress.
Elements of me..
Happily gedik bridesmaids!
If you notice gambar pengantin memang takda! Official wedding photo pulak tak dibagi lagi (-_-)
Begitu lah serba sedikit cerita jadi bridesmaid. Seronok, penat, girly dramas, gediks all mixed together to create sweet memories. Nanti aku kawen ntah la macam mane keadaannye. Hehe.
Ok lah. Tomorrow is Monday. Keje!! *sigh*