I am such a horrible mom.
My baby Dhani turned 1 LAST APRIL and I didn't even mention it in my blog.
Forgive me baby. It doesn't mean that I love you any less than I love your brother. My lack of update simply means that I'm too busy looking after you guys that I don't have time to blog.
Okay. let's talk about Dhani.
The last time I blogged about Dhani's developmental milestone when he was 5 month young. Time tu dia baru nak start merangkak. He is an early crawler I think, sebab at 6+ month dia dah merangkak ke sana-sini. Masuk 8-9 bulan camtu dia pandai bangun sendiri dah pastu meniti keliling rumah. Mane leh berpaut dia berpaut lah. Paling feveret dia berpaut kat lutut kitorang pastu takmo lepas sebab mintak dukung. Haha.
On his majlis Aqiqah in Kuching.
Time ni la dia tetiba pandai merangkak laju pulak tu.
Masa 9.5 bulan dia dah try melangkah. 1-2 tapak jatuh. Lepas tu 2-3 tapak jatuh. Wan dah confident gila kata Dhani ni nanti umur 10 bulan dah boleh jalan la niii.. Tapiiii sampai 11 bulan pon tak jalan sendiri lagi. Haha. Dia ada demam skali right before his first birthday. Lepas demam tu terus tanak bertatih atau cuba jalan dah.
Start nak berjalan masa umur 11bulan. 2-3 tapak jatuh. Almost 2 mths later baru berjalan lancar. Huhu.
At last, finally 1 month ago, dia berjalan banyak tapak dah. Dhani is officially an independent walker at almost 13 month old. teehehe! Skang memang berjalannnnn je la keje dia. Terkedek-kedek daripada hall ke dapur, berjoget bagai. He can even walk up and down the stairs (berpaut kat railing, of course).
Dhani likes to talk. He can say a few words already. "Nak nenen" is his favourite. Haha. His common words are ata (atas), pah (kipas), daddy, ngah (mak ngah) along with other words lah. Dulu masa dengan Afif, he can't say much at this age (obviously because of his deafness) but I thought normal la budak setahun takleh cakap langsung. Skang dah ada Dhani baru tau yang at 1 year, babies really should have had a few words already.
Likes & Dislikes
His favorite person is me, of course. Berani dia suka orang lain lebih? Afif is also his favorite person. Kalau Afif gi sekolah nampak la dia bosan and lost. Quite surprisingly, my Mak Ngah is also his favorite person. Mak Ngah is almost always on the couch, bila Mak Ngah bangun gi dapor dia mesti sebok nk ikut. Pastu suka randomly datang and hug mak ngah. Haha. Daddy dia pon dia sayang. Randomly datang kat Mr. Chenta mintak cium. Haha.
Favorite show was Cars then it's Planes: Fire & Rescue and now it's Pororo (after our recent trip to Seoul).
He loves plain water. Hates baby food since he was 11 months old. He eats whatever we feed Afif. Senang la jugak keje aku takyah buat and blend porridge, puree bagai. Walaupon dia tembam, dia makan tak banyak. Tembam susu agaknya budak ni. Dia suka makan biskut, keropok ikan dan roti. Aiskrim pon dia suka woih. Nampak orang makan dia akan cakap "Nak, nak, nak. nak ni!"
He loves to hear me sing. Favorite songs are Twinkle-twinkle (sambil dia buat tangan twinkle bila aku nyanyi), Old McDonald, Row Your Boat, Johny Johny.. Kalau aku nyanyi pastu stop, dia marah. Soh nyanyi lagi sampai lebam. Haha.
He also loves to read. I think it's because of our routine bedtime story session. Asal nampak buku je membelek. His favorite book so far is Dot & Dash Go to Bed and any books about Lightning McQueen.
He loves looking at the cats and say "yawww"
Alhamdulillah Dhani seorang yang mellow dan tak banyak ragam.Tapi clingy nya ya Rabbi. Kene tinggal sikit, nanges. Walopon aku ke jamban je.
He loves cuddling with me. Hehe. Pastu suke ajak org keluar. Asal aku balik keje dia mintak dukung and ajak kuar. Lagi satu benda dia paling suka adalah baca buku. Can you believe it? Randomly he'd point to a cupboard where we put their books in our room and say "Ku! Ku!" (buku!)
Latest, dia suka menconteng. I was at work one day when my SIL whatsapp-ed me a picture of Dhani's hand covered in blue ink with a caption "Anak ko conteng dinding rumah. Habis ni haaa". True enough, I came home to find a wall covered with mishmash of scribble.
Suka bubble bath berdua.
Skang hobi dia memanjat. I cant leave him unattended kalau tak habis lah.
Breastfeeding Journey
What can i say.. He loves the boobs and the milkies. He sucks for comfort and for food. i still pump and express milk at work but sadly i can't produce much anymore. Sebenarnya boleh je kot tapi memang kene extra extra effort. Kalau setakat pam 2 kali sehari dapat la 6-9oz je. Haritu seminggu aku selsema demam batuk, seminggu la production merudum sampai 2oz je per day. Stok kat rumah memang takda so dah campur la dengan fm. Boleh je aku tak pam langsung dah and fully fm while i'm at work and bf in the evening je. Tapi sebagai mak, aku ade attachment issue jugak. Cam kesiannyaaa anak aku takda susu ibu. Sikit pon better than nothing la kan? And it helps me maintain my weight. Hehe. So selagi mampu, aku continue jugak bf and pump at work.
For his birthday, we didn't have any party or big celebration. Just beli brownies fro A'ai pastu nyanyi happy birthday and tiup lilin kat rumah. Reason being are:
1) kami pemalas nak party jemput orang bagai.
2) bukannya bebudak ni ingat pon first birthday. Ada gambar dengan kek cukup syarat dah la kan?
3) instead of a party, we wanna make it a tradition to go for a holiday for each and every child's birthdays. Yes, they might not remember it but we remember. It's like a celebration of look-we-survived-his/her-first-year! That's why we went to Perth for Afif's birthday.
So for Dhani's first birthday, we went to Seoul! Actually agak belated la sebab aku kene gi kursus 2 bulan masa birthday dia tu. End up, almost 2 weeks after his birthday baru gi. Hehe.
Dhani & Mama at Nami Island!
At Pororo's music room, Lotte World, Seoul.
What more can i say? i love LOVE LOVE this boy. He has 7 teeth already and when he smiles.. That smile lights up my entire life. Such a happy baby. And he imitates words almost immediately, mulut dia boleh tahan becok jugak.
Dhani, i want you to know that i love you so very much. You light up my world with your cheekiness and easy-going personality. You being clingy sometimes is an inconvenience but secretly that's what i love about us; it makes me feel like i'm needed and so loved. i pray that you grow up to be a great man, healthily and happily.
Mama loves you so much. Don't forget that.
My SuperBaby.