i have insanely intense period pain. Every month, when "my best friend comes to visit", i have to be on the bed all day long (or two if i'm really unlucky), curled up on my side to nurse the pain. When i can't take it anymore, i use the iron and place it on my tummy to warm it, but of course my tummy is covered with the blankie.. (dah gler ke meletakkan seterika di atas perot? bercop-cop la beb)
For this reason, i really have to be on medical leave on the first or second day of my period. Every month. Once, i tried to endure the pain and stay in the office and the result is aku melepek di atas lantai di bawah kubikel sambil berkerut-kerut menahan kesakitan. Not a pretty sight.
i did some research on period pain and i think it won't hurt to share it with you:
-Period pain or period cramp is no laughing matter. It is surprisingly a cause of acute hospital attendence. It needs to be identified as a cause of lower abdominal pain in women of child bearing age(11 - 45 yrs of age).
-For some, it leaves them totally incapacitated for two to four days every month, resulting in considerable time loss from work or school.
Imagine that girl is me and that blue thing is my Panasonic iron. Not a pretty sight.
What is Menstrual Pain?
Period pain, also called dysmenorrhoea or mentrual pain refers to cramping lower abdominal pain occurring a day or two before menstruation and continuing for another one or two days after the onset of menses.
About four out of every five woman do experience some degree of pain during menstruation, and this is normal.
There are two types of menstrual pain. These are Primary dysmenorrhoea and secondary dysmenorrhoea. The difference between the two types relates mainly on the cause of the menstrual pain.
Period Pain Type 1: Primary Dysmenorrhoea
This is period pain not due to any disease or abnormality in the womb or female reproductive tract.
It is as a result of excessive or high sensitivity to normal hormones produced after ovulation. This hormone called prostaglandins reach their highest level just before menstruation starts.
This causes the uterus to contract, which in a way, help to expel the menses. When the amount of hormone is more than need, or the uterus is over sensitive to a normal amount, the woman could come up with severe pain.
Excessive contraction of the uterus from the action of the prostaglandins cause the pressure in the uterus to rise above normal blood pressure, so blood flow to the uterus is reduced.
It is the kind of menstrual or period pain found in younger woman.
So, if there is no ovulation, there can be no period pain of this kind.
Primary dysmenorrhoea in it self is thus not an illness. Things that can predispose a woman to having this kind of pain include
• Similar pain in mother or sister
• Obesity
• Smoking
Symptoms: The pain typically starts a day or two before the period, and may continue for another day or two.
There may be associated headache, back ache, diarrhoea, constipation feeling like vomiting, or actually vomiting
[okay i have all of these symptoms. Dah macam org pregnant pulak] . A few women may have such severe pain that they may actually pass out (faint)! The pain continues till after child birth or birth of second or third child
[third child baru hilang period pain?? OMG! that is like 7 years away..]
Period pain Type 2: Secondary Dysmenorrhoea
This is period pain commonly found in older women above 30 years of age. It is less common than primary dysmenorrhoea.
It is usually caused by some disorder in the reproductive tract of the woman which could in fact combine with excessive prostaglandin production too.
Common causes of secondary dysmenorrhoea include:
Abnormalities of the reproductive system present from birth
Adhesions of the Uterus
Intrauterine device (IUCD)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Uterine Displacement
Symptoms: It commonly occurs after the age of thirty. It may start as lower abdominal pain, a few days or weeks before their menses. They may be showing some signs of some illness, reflecting the underlying disorder.
Natural Ways to Avoid/Reduce Period Pain
For me, my period is always perfectly on time so i know the exact day i'm due to have my menses. A week for my period, i'll avoid coffee, carbonated drinks (not that i'm a carbonated drinks drinker), acidic foods and i try to reduce salt intake. Seeing the state i'm in now, i can safely say these things don't really work. Other natural remedies include:
- Take a long leaf of aloe vera. Wash it well and put it into a mixer to extract the juice. Strain and filter this juice. Take a tablespoon of this with honey 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days. It has an added laxative effect. So vary the dose as required. Make fresh juice every day.
- Papaya aids menstrual flow. Have a large bowlful daily during your periods. Papaya also has a laxative action, so monitor the amount taken. It is supposed to have oestrogen-like prapiraties.
- A cupful of carrot juice drunk once a day is also beneficial.
- Carrot and parsley soup help in combating period pains
Oleh itu, mari lah kita bersama-sama membanteras kemunculan period pain atau senggugut di bulan-bulan mendatang. Terima kasih.