It's December 24, 2009.
I turned 24 today!
Alhamdulillah.. i’m grateful for the chance i’ve been given. The chance to live, to love, to give, to receive, to work, to earn, to learn, to explore, to be happy, to be sad, to experience the ups and downs of life. i don’t have the perfect life. But i’ve never regret any of the misfortunes I have. It’s all part of life right?
i hope being 24 will transform me into a better person. i wanna be a better friend, better employee, better daughter, better granddaughter, better sister, better Muslimah, better cousin, better cook, have a better body (those fats really need some ridding!).. Everything better lah! Oh, and be a better girlfriend to Mr. Chenta. Hehe (agak-agaknye ade ke chance nak jadi Mrs. Chenta? Wuahahahaha)
Gosh… that’s a lot of goals huh? Well like the saying says, “Dream of reaching the stars. If you can’t reach the stars, you might at least reach the moon”.
p/s: will babble more about birthday activities :P
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