1) Fill in your friends with the latest schoolmate gossips and make them squeal/scream/sigh/shout/laugh/eyes pop with surprise.
2) Order a minimum of 4 rounds of dimsum sets as big as this:
3) Finish all the dimsum and gather for a group photo
4) Go to Pavilion and decide on movies OR karaoke. Or both. Jangan lupa buat kutipan duit.
5) Cuba mengawal ke-excited-an untuk berkaraoke. And fail.
6) Menyanyi bersungguh-sungguh sambil berdiri untuk mendapatkan mutu suara yang mengagumkan.
7) Be camera ready at all times. Or pretend not to care about the camera.
8) Beli ice blended kegemaran setelah kehilangan suara selepas melalak.
9) Jangan lupa ambil gambar kasut-kasut flats. Don't even think of wearing heels for a whole day out like this.
10) Untuk hasil yang menceriakan, jangan window-shop aje. Do some REAL shopping.
11) Oh.. don't forget to drag your little sister along. And pout together for the camera.
12) Have supper. Order the most fattening and delicious dish in the restaurant and pass it around the table for everybody to eat. That way, you won't get fat alone.
13) Upon reaching home, blog about it. You're sure to laugh and cherish this rare girls-day-out moments. Priceless.
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