November 20, 2017

New Zealand

Hello peeps!

i had this tradition where whenever i go traveling, i would post at least a photo of that place.

Last month the four of us went to New Zealand! The place is amazing, we were there for 2 weeks and we had the best time of our lives (so far). i had good internet connection (had to reload my NZ data plan twice) so i really have no excuse to break this tradition.

Anyway, a month too late but here's a photo:

Us at Kea Point Track, Aoraki/Mount Cook.

i miss blogging so so much, you have no idea. But between my day job, a preschooler, a toddler, working for Hear Me, my love for watercolor painting and keeping the house intact, blogging has to take the back of the most back seat.

i will make a come back. And when i do, i hope i will tell you all about our New Zealand adventure.

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