Slide Show

April 25, 2011

Missing In Action


Saya sedar, sudah lama tidak berbelog. Entry Kinabalu tak habis lagi. Tak show off lagi gambar berjimba di puncak.

Rindu jugak berbelog. Tapi agak busy.

Busy uruskan hal rumah sbb tenant sudah move out. Banyak maintenance kene buat. Cat rumah, install new kitchen cabinet, repair stuff..

Busy bekerja. Balik agak lewat. Tapi tak la lewat smpai kol 8pm.

Busy tengok cerita Korea LAGI. Sekarang i'm soooo into LEE MIN HO! OMG HE'S SO HOT I'M GONNA DIE!!!

Ok, nanti cerita panjang lebar.

P/s: cantek tak saya lukis ni?? Saya tiru lukisan orang. Hihi.

April 2, 2011

i Just Can't Blog Right Now..

..because i'm in this crazy-over-Korean-drama-series stage.

i found a great DVD rental place 3 weeks ago and i can't stop renting Korean series ever since! Gila engkau aku macam meroyan everyday balik keje tengok cter Korea sampai kol 1-2pagi. Pedulikan kain tak berlipat dan dapur tak berasap. Tak peduli jugak esoknya pegi keje mengantok dan terpikir-pikir ape nak jadi ngan cter tu next.
It scares me. The last time i was like this when i was in uni. Nak exam pon aku still tak tido nk tengok cter Korea. i hope it's just a phase. Mampos la jugak kalo sampai ke tua macam ni.

Cter yang recently aku tengok:

Personal Taste

Naughty Kiss

Boys Over Flowers
This is my current watch. Cter ni adalah Meteor Garden versi Korea. Dulu pon tengok Meteor Garden!

*images are from Google image*

i got a feeling that this phase will NOT be over soon. Kawan-kawan suruh tengok cter Secret Garden and Marry Me Mary pulak. 

p/s: Selalu sakit hati bila tengok hero/heroin cter2 ni bongok tak nak luahkan perasaan walopon dah chenta. Pastu buat each other sakit ati bila kuar date ngan pompuan/lelaki lain. i'm so glad Mr. Chenta and i got over that phase. Oih, dulu kami meroyan camtu jugak. Tak nak go thru that dah!. ;) 

Ok bye nak gi sambung tengok cter Boys Over Flowers.