I'm typing this while expressing milk at work.
*insert bunyi pam Medela. Trett trett trett*
Dhani is lucky i was on leave until he was 8 month old. Dah depan mata, mmg drp lahir smpai la 8 bulan tu fully breastfed and direct feed je la. Bergayutttt je keje dier. Tu yang semangat je badan. Manja terlebih. How i love being there all the time to breastfeed him.
Sejak aku masuk keje January hari tu, kene la pam kat office untuk bekalan dia. Jadi ibu bekerja ni memang nak fully breastfeed adalah cabaran. Memula tu lebat production. First mornung session boleh dpt 8-10oz. In total sehari boleh la dapat dlm 18-20oz mengikut tahap kerajinan mengepam. Lagi2 the first few weeks tu aku tak byk keje. Sehari at least 3 kali aku bertapa kat mother's room.
Makin lama makin busy kat office. Sehari 2 kali je sempat pam. Tapi ok la lagi. Stok makin lama makin habis smpai aku pam harini cukup-cukup untuk esok. Kiranya takde frozen stok dah la. Salah sendiri la jugak malas buat stok banyak-banyak time maternity/unpaid leave.
Tapi skarang sedihnyeee lahai production. The past one week memang merudum dengan ketaranya sebab aku period. Paling nak nanges kalau pam satu ounce pon tak sampai.
Setengah orang memang naturally big producer. Aku pulak tergolong dalam kategori work hard for it. Pernah try Shaklee kononnya milk booster but that didn't work for me. Jaga makan, regular pumping baru la banyak hasil. Based on my 3 years plus of breastfeeding my boys (Afif breastfeed sampai umur 2 tahun 3 bulan, Dhani almost 11 months dah umur dia..and counting) meh aku share sedikit sebanyak tips.
Tips Menyusu Badan Tanpa Makan Supplement Pelik-pelik
Tips Menyusu Badan Tanpa Makan Supplement Pelik-pelik
1) Makan Mesti Cukup
Tak wujud istilah diet in my years as being a mom. Asal lapar, makan. Nasik wajib 2 kali sehari at least. My meals have to have all food group; carbs, protein and fiber. Takde maknenye lah aku nak skip nasik bagai. Snacks in between meal pon wajib.
Tapi jangan lah mentekedarah terlebih dgn alasan breastfeeding. Quality is as important as quantity. I limit sugary, oily and junk food. Sehari sekali je aku benarkan diri ini minom benda manis. Kalau pagi dah minom latte memang the rest of the day air masak je lah. Snacks pon pilih yang berkhasiat ye. Fruits, biskut tawar, roti with peanut butter tu ok laa. Certain days to aku mentakedarah jugak snacks brownies by A'ai bagai haha.
Alhamdulillah berat aku maintain je la. Masih lebih berat drp zaman studi tapi dah dapat la pre-pregnancy weight tu.
Fact: Breastfeeding burns 450-500 calories per day.
2) Air Mesti Lebih
Part ni aku selalu kantoi. Alasannya sebab busy keje lupa minom air. Haha. Hari yang aku beringat, memang bergelen minom PLAIN WATER insyaAllah lebat la production. Kalau tak, sendu je ler. How much is enough you ask? Aku pon taktau secara saintifiknya. Tapi kalau aku habiskan sebotol besar mineral water time kat opis tu, lebat la production.
i'm an avid coffee drinker. Myth has it that kalau minom kopi, susu tak banyak. i can say that it's just a myth, guys. Aku minom kopi, insyaAllah susu still ada DENGAN SYARAT banyakkan minom air masak. Kopi bersifat diuretik (menyebabkan kita lebih kerap kencing) maka kalau minom kopi, top up banyak-banyak dengan air untuk mengelakkan dehydrated & banyakkan susu.
i'm an avid coffee drinker. Myth has it that kalau minom kopi, susu tak banyak. i can say that it's just a myth, guys. Aku minom kopi, insyaAllah susu still ada DENGAN SYARAT banyakkan minom air masak. Kopi bersifat diuretik (menyebabkan kita lebih kerap kencing) maka kalau minom kopi, top up banyak-banyak dengan air untuk mengelakkan dehydrated & banyakkan susu.
3) Know Your Milkbooster
Milkbooster ni subjective untuk setiap orang. Among the milkboosters i heard are milk, dates, habbatussauda, pegaga, etc. In reality not all milkboosters work on all breastfeeding mama.
Contohnya aku tak berubah pon production susu kalau makan pegaga, susu, alfalfa, kacang gajus. Tapi kalau aku makan sayur pucuk manis masak lemak, lobak putih, dan air rendaman halba, baru banyak susu. Maka rajin-rajin la observe makanan/air apa yg membantu banyakkan susu uols.
4) Regular Pumping/Direct Feed
Ni memang tak dinafikan. i'm sure you have read in the gazillions of breastfeeding articles; in order to have SUPPLY, you have to have DEMAND. Kalau kat rumah tu selalulah breastfeed anak. i have no problem in this area because both my boys adalah penyonyot tegar.
Untuk ibu-ibu bekerja, nak tak nak kene luangkan masa mengepam. i know it could be hard to find time. Dengan dateline projek, meeting, outstation, kursus bagai.. It's a sacrifice you have to make. i know moms who expresses milk even in class when attending a course and in meeting rooms. And i personally have had an experience of pumping in a bus during a 1-week geological fieldtrip. Pernah jugak pam dalam tandas masa gi workshop sebab tak jumpa surau/mother's room. Yes it is tedious but the satisfaction of knowing your baby gets the goodness of a mother's milk makes it worth it.
5) Jangan Stress
i find the more you're stressed out about not producing enough for your child, the less your body makes milk. Maka jangan stress. Cuba yang terbaik. Amalkan segala yang boleh untuk banyakkan susu. Kalau takde/tak cukup susu ibu, there's always ibu susuqn option. Or else, there's always formula milk.
Dulu masa dengan Afif aku selalu stress kalau susu tak cukup. Sejak dah anak 2 ni, i've lightened up a bit. Dhani pon masa umur dia 9 bulan camtu aku dah bagi je susu formula sebab tak cukup stok ebm dah kat rumah. He needs 15-20oz per day. So sehari dalam 3-6oz kene minom formula lah sebab skang ni aku mampu bekalkan max 15oz je per day. But that's okay. i can rest and not make a big deal out of it because i know i've done my best.
Breastfeeding is not just about providing milk for your baby. It's much more than that. It's the way you bond during those feeding sessions; the way your eyes lock on one another, the way your baby smiles cheekily-as if saying "thank you mama, for that yummy milk", the way he/she searches for you at night with eyes close but can still find his/her way to the milk-source, the cuddles during and after every feed, the way he/she NEEDS you and the fact that no other person can fulfill that need but you.
InsyaAllah, i'll breastfeed him as long as he wants me to.
Hah tu je la sedikit sebanyak experience sharing. Dah nak habis mengepam dah pon ha.
Milkbooster ni subjective untuk setiap orang. Among the milkboosters i heard are milk, dates, habbatussauda, pegaga, etc. In reality not all milkboosters work on all breastfeeding mama.
Contohnya aku tak berubah pon production susu kalau makan pegaga, susu, alfalfa, kacang gajus. Tapi kalau aku makan sayur pucuk manis masak lemak, lobak putih, dan air rendaman halba, baru banyak susu. Maka rajin-rajin la observe makanan/air apa yg membantu banyakkan susu uols.
4) Regular Pumping/Direct Feed
Ni memang tak dinafikan. i'm sure you have read in the gazillions of breastfeeding articles; in order to have SUPPLY, you have to have DEMAND. Kalau kat rumah tu selalulah breastfeed anak. i have no problem in this area because both my boys adalah penyonyot tegar.
Untuk ibu-ibu bekerja, nak tak nak kene luangkan masa mengepam. i know it could be hard to find time. Dengan dateline projek, meeting, outstation, kursus bagai.. It's a sacrifice you have to make. i know moms who expresses milk even in class when attending a course and in meeting rooms. And i personally have had an experience of pumping in a bus during a 1-week geological fieldtrip. Pernah jugak pam dalam tandas masa gi workshop sebab tak jumpa surau/mother's room. Yes it is tedious but the satisfaction of knowing your baby gets the goodness of a mother's milk makes it worth it.
5) Jangan Stress
i find the more you're stressed out about not producing enough for your child, the less your body makes milk. Maka jangan stress. Cuba yang terbaik. Amalkan segala yang boleh untuk banyakkan susu. Kalau takde/tak cukup susu ibu, there's always ibu susuqn option. Or else, there's always formula milk.
Dulu masa dengan Afif aku selalu stress kalau susu tak cukup. Sejak dah anak 2 ni, i've lightened up a bit. Dhani pon masa umur dia 9 bulan camtu aku dah bagi je susu formula sebab tak cukup stok ebm dah kat rumah. He needs 15-20oz per day. So sehari dalam 3-6oz kene minom formula lah sebab skang ni aku mampu bekalkan max 15oz je per day. But that's okay. i can rest and not make a big deal out of it because i know i've done my best.
Breastfeeding is not just about providing milk for your baby. It's much more than that. It's the way you bond during those feeding sessions; the way your eyes lock on one another, the way your baby smiles cheekily-as if saying "thank you mama, for that yummy milk", the way he/she searches for you at night with eyes close but can still find his/her way to the milk-source, the cuddles during and after every feed, the way he/she NEEDS you and the fact that no other person can fulfill that need but you.
InsyaAllah, i'll breastfeed him as long as he wants me to.
Hah tu je la sedikit sebanyak experience sharing. Dah nak habis mengepam dah pon ha.