August 2, 2012

3D/4D Scan with Miss Jezzlyn

So my pregnancy turn 27 weeks on Wednesday.

To celebrate entering the third trimester, Hubby and i decided to see our Little Munchkin in 3D and 4D!

Although my monthly checkups are at Prince Court, we decided not to do the 3D/4D scan there. Reason being 1) Dr. Aziz said we don't need detail checkup as my pregnancy progresses smoothly and Alhamdulillah there are no abnormality in the baby (heart developing okay, kaki, tangan, jari semua nampak cukup dan sempurna) and 2) 3D/4D scan ant PCMC costs RM300++ (a bit expensive than other clinic/hospital)

So, survey punya survey i tengok ramai suggest Miss Jezzlyn, a sonographer practicing in Ampang, Sri kembangan and PJ.Harga pon hanyalah RM100 untuk 3D/4D scan. i went to their Facebook page and made an appoinment.

We went yesterday!

The clinic was not hard to find; Klinik Fauziah & Rakan-Rakan in Ampang. Siapa familiar ngan jalan nak gi Bukit Belacan tu, senang la cari. My slot was on 5.20pm. We arrived at 5.15pm (lepas keje) and it was empty. Tiada insan lain tunggu giliran. That's a relieve coz i read in a blog somewhere that usually it's jam packed on weekends. 5.20pm on the dot, Miss Jezzlyn called us in.

She did 2D scan first to locate baby's head, face and whatnot. Then she displayed the 3D scan thingy. 

..and there's our baby.


Miss Jezzlyn said "Haaa.. Dia ni memang takde malu-malu. Kangkang je kaki dia. You already knew the gender right?" Kami mengangguk. "Yepp, it's a boy! See the bebird.." Maka confidence level saya lagi tinggi that we're gonna welcome a son! Selama ni nampak kat 2D je..

Little Munchkin was asleep. Dia block muka dia ngan tangan. Penatlah mamanya mengiring and Miss Jezzlyn probe sana sini tapi degil dia. As if saying "Go away maaa.. i'm sleepy!" Tak puas block ngan tangan, dia angkat dedua kakinya ke atas.. Block lagi muka. Adoilaaa.. But Miss Jezzlyn is so patient. Dia dok pujuk-pujuk "Adik.. Tepi sikit tangan. Mummy daddy wants to see you.." Gitu lah ayatnya berulang.

Lepas di-poke, baru la dia mengalah. Maka nampaklah mukanya. Heeeee!

"See your baby.. Tembamnya pipi dia. Leher pon tak nampak!" Kata Miss Jezzlyn. God, at that moment i swear aku nak je gigit pipi budak kecik ni! "Aloh berkerut pulak dia. Marah la tu kita kacau"

 Our Lil' BamBam

The most amazing thing is when he yawned. Beriya menguap haaa..

 Menguap luas-luas macam bapaknya

The whole session lasted 20 minutes, as scheduled. Barulah puas hati dapat tengok sedikit sebanyak muka baby. Kalau tak, i always wonder tembamkah baby? Hidung mancung ke kemek? Cukup sifatkah? Hehe.

Kami berpuas hati dengan service Miss Jezzlyn. She's friendly, suka menjawab soalan kami dan memang berusaha mendapatkan shot yang menarik. At the end of it, we were given two printed 3D pictures and a CD with 4D videos, 3D pictures and details of baby.

13 weeks to go! It's a mixture of takot-nak-bersalin and i-can't-wait-to-see-my-baby feelings.

2 comments on "3D/4D Scan with Miss Jezzlyn"
  1. teefa!!!!

    The pic is awesome!!! So hepi for you. Tgk gambar baby ni pun wat sara nak nangis cos its beautiful....

    Super hepi for you!!!! hehe.... can wait to see your baby soon!!!! hehe....

    1. Aww.. Thanks Sara! itu lah masa nmpak dia first time aritu pon emo.. huhu. Baby pon can't wait to see Aunty Sara!


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