Sekarang Afif adalah obses dengan alphabets. Speech therapist soh buat macam-macam exercise like 6 ling sounds, kenal body parts, people and daily stuff but everytime aku duduk ngajar, dia lagi suka main alphabets or vehicle. Haih la anak.
But the good thing is he now recognize and actually pronounce a few letters, walopon pelat. He knows the letters that make up his name, even though i think he doesn't know that those actually spell his name. Haha. Watch this video:
Haha maafkan mak eksaited share video ni. Frankly instagram aku asik video Afif je pastu kang orang kata riak plak anak baru pandai sket dah haplod. Kat blog ni 2-3 kerat je nampak. Haha.
Seriously, being a mom to a special child is.. unexplainable. The road is not easy but i wouldn't say it's superhard that it's a burden. i say it makes me a much better person and frankly, i can not imagine Afif any other way. Every progress is golden coz i know it's a result of hard work.
Long way to go but we'll get there, InsyaAllah.
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