February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Movie Outing

Last Friday we went to see Valentine's Day the movie. Double date. Me+Mr. Chenta and his bestfriend+girlfriend.


i expressed my eagerness to watch this movie in my post Valentine's Day. i should say the movie almost-meet-expectation. Why i say almost? Because there were boring parts (i thought there wont be any yawn-let's-get-over-this part) but overall it's great! i'd give rating 7 out of 10 (Mr. Chenta gives 8 out of 10!).

And Taylor Lautner is hot, hot, HOT! The girls gasp in delight whenever he appears on screen! Although some critics dissed Taylor Swift's performance, but i think it's not that bad. The character requires her to be gedik and jumping around, so let it be.

What disappoint me is Jessica Alba's teeny-weeny appearance. Sekejap je kot! i'm a huge fan and i expected more. Tsk tsk.

It's a must-see movie, giving it's all-star qualities. Funny and touching at some points, definitely worth it!

Uh.. people keep asking where/how we celebrate Valentine's Day. The answer is no, we don't celebrate it. Not once in our 3-year relationship. Simply because it's against Islamic practice. i'm not saying that we're really religious people (i know i have many flaws and am sinned), but this is something we feel we don't want to get involved in. 

We have 365 days a year to celebrate and cherish our love, why do we have to make V-day special? Just my two cents! :D
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