It was second day of Raya.
Me and Mr. Chenta were tired of stuffing our faces with Raya foods. Don't get me wrong - i totally love Raya foods. Lemang, kuah kacang, lodeh, ketupat palas, rendang (especially with paru in it..marvellous!), kurma ayam... not to mention all the Raya cookies and cakes.. But after 2 days of eating those for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it was too much. We want western food!
We wanted Italiannies' Stuffed Mushroom. Kitorang jalan2 la kat Gardens. At approximately 9.40pm pegi la Italiannies.. tengok2 kitchen dah closed. i was like what the heck?? Belom kol 10 okee.. Takpe la.. (tapi menyumpah seranah dalam hati)
Mr. Chenta tetibe suggest we go to William's @ SS24 (kat area Taman Megah). He was craving for the Spegheti Alfredo Meatball. i was like ummmppphhhh...sedap! i've always adore William's food n drinks. Makanan dier sedap2 n big portion.. Boleh la share.. n the laici-manggo drink is to die for. So we made our way to William's. Sampai-sampai je kan tgk tak byk kete.. that's weird coz William's is always full. Rope-ropenyer TUTUP! Arrggghhhh... tensennye haku!
Dengan lapar dan sedihnye kitorg decided balik je la.. makan je la telor ngan kicap. Sobs!
Tibe2 En. Chenta mendapat idea nak makan seafood pulak.. Kitorg pon berlari lah ke Hokkaido Seafood kat area Jalan Pekeliling.. Nasib baik la bukak.. menjerit kegumbiraan perot ku yang kosong ini.. Kalo tak harus lah aku bakar kedai itew..
Ini la hasil order-an kitorang...

Me and Mr. Chenta were tired of stuffing our faces with Raya foods. Don't get me wrong - i totally love Raya foods. Lemang, kuah kacang, lodeh, ketupat palas, rendang (especially with paru in it..marvellous!), kurma ayam... not to mention all the Raya cookies and cakes.. But after 2 days of eating those for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it was too much. We want western food!
We wanted Italiannies' Stuffed Mushroom. Kitorang jalan2 la kat Gardens. At approximately 9.40pm pegi la Italiannies.. tengok2 kitchen dah closed. i was like what the heck?? Belom kol 10 okee.. Takpe la.. (tapi menyumpah seranah dalam hati)
Mr. Chenta tetibe suggest we go to William's @ SS24 (kat area Taman Megah). He was craving for the Spegheti Alfredo Meatball. i was like ummmppphhhh...sedap! i've always adore William's food n drinks. Makanan dier sedap2 n big portion.. Boleh la share.. n the laici-manggo drink is to die for. So we made our way to William's. Sampai-sampai je kan tgk tak byk kete.. that's weird coz William's is always full. Rope-ropenyer TUTUP! Arrggghhhh... tensennye haku!
Dengan lapar dan sedihnye kitorg decided balik je la.. makan je la telor ngan kicap. Sobs!
Tibe2 En. Chenta mendapat idea nak makan seafood pulak.. Kitorg pon berlari lah ke Hokkaido Seafood kat area Jalan Pekeliling.. Nasib baik la bukak.. menjerit kegumbiraan perot ku yang kosong ini.. Kalo tak harus lah aku bakar kedai itew..
Ini la hasil order-an kitorang...
Sotong Goreng Tepung
Sangat lah marveles! sotong besar2 n tepung dier pon crunchy. i loike!
Sweet n' Sour Crab
This is the highlight n my absolute favourite.. ketamnye gemok2.. kuahnye sedap..yumz!
Sangat lah marveles! sotong besar2 n tepung dier pon crunchy. i loike!

This is the highlight n my absolute favourite.. ketamnye gemok2.. kuahnye sedap..yumz!
Ini je la yang kitorang order as there was only the two of us.. Usually kami pegi beramai2.. kalo gi ramai2 order la Garoupa 3 Rasa, Butter Prawn, Sizzling Tofu, Kangkong Belacan, Lemon Chicken... ahhhh...heavenly!
Bottom line is mmg sodap la.. This is the proof:
Bottom line is mmg sodap la.. This is the proof:
All of these costed us RM61.70. OK la kan.. takyah gi jejauh kat Port Klang to eat seafood.
So people, if u want scrumptiosly delicious seafood in Kuala Lumpur, head to Hokkaido Seafood Restaurant:
Hokkaido Seafood Restaurant
No.68 Jalan Lumut, Damai Complex,
Off Jalan Ipoh,
50400 Kuala Lumpur.
(kat depan Vistana Hotel)
Tel: 03-40411316
Business Hours: 6.00pm - 2.00am
So people, if u want scrumptiosly delicious seafood in Kuala Lumpur, head to Hokkaido Seafood Restaurant:
Hokkaido Seafood Restaurant
No.68 Jalan Lumut, Damai Complex,
Off Jalan Ipoh,
50400 Kuala Lumpur.
(kat depan Vistana Hotel)
Tel: 03-40411316
Business Hours: 6.00pm - 2.00am
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