This post is loaded with LOADS of photos.
As i babbled in the previous post, Mr. Chenta and i went to visit our bestfriends in London.
July 3, 2009:
* Departed from KLIA on a 1000hrs flight (KL time).
* Arrived at Heathrow at 1600 hrs (London time)
* Jakun melihat Shaq's flat
* Jet lag
* Malam lepak kat Hyde Park (with Mr. Chenta, Faiz, and all of Shaq's flatmates)
We arrived at Heathrow feeling ecstatic. i can't wait to see Shaq. Heathrow airport is not how i imagined it would be. It was crowded! We queued for almost one hour to get through immigration/custom. And the airport is errr... old. KLIA is so much nicer. When i first saw Shaq, i was so overwhelmed that my eyes water. We ran madly towards each other and hug and scream like mad. i swear it was like a scene of Hindustan movie.
Arrived at Heathrow. H1N1 was deadly famous that time. i just had to wear the mask.
The long Q to reach the immigration counter
Reunited at last!!
Later that night we went out for a walk. It was really cold. Like 16C cold! i was kinda pissed coz when i was in KL Shaq told me they're experiencing heat wave, panas nak mampos, and told me to bring t-shirt, shorts, dresses, leggings and flipflops. So memang aku tak bawak la sweater, or kasut kan? Rupenye sejuk gler. i was shaking all the time that night. Nasib ade Starbuck's hot choc.
Hyde Park: Picnic malam2 bute. Takde keje!
Meet the girls: Kak Aqmal, Kak Sarah, Aishah, and Shaq!
5th July 2009
* Jet lag (was wide awake at 4am)
* Tatau nak buat ape dah so i cooked nasik goreng
* Ride on double decker bus (i was so jakun!)
* Sight seeing (Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, Two Towers, The Parliament, Big Ben)
* Amek gambar macam org gler
That morning i was wide awake at 4am. Tried to go back to sleep but failed. Kol 5 pagi dah terang macam kol 7.30 pagi Malaysia kot! Last2 aku bangun, selongkar dapur diorang, and masak nasik goreng. Selambe je kan masak kat dapur orang? Then the adventure began..
Their cute flat.
Beautiful shoplots.
Jimmy Choo Couture!
Was closed that day :(
Two super duper large pizzas for my first meal in London!
First double decker ride!
Mase ni ade sorang makcik ni marah2 kitorang sambil jerit2. WTF? Memang anti-asian kot?
First stop: The Tower of London
Us and The Tower of London. We didn't take the tour. i'm not into the whole historical aspects. Hehe
Bits about the Tower of London:
Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, more commonly known as the Tower of London, is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London. It has played a prominent role in England's history. It was used as a place of refuge for unpopular monarchs and at times a centre of government. (More in Wikipedia)
The famous London Bridge!
We didn't go exactly at the bottom. Amek gambar from the river bank je. Gorgeous scenery!
St. Paul Cathedral
Menuju Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace!
i was hoping to get a glimpe of the Queen. Tapi hampa!
Again, we didn't go on any tour. Melawat di luar sahaja..
Guard yang naik kuda yang pakai topi bulu2 tu pon takde. Sebab that time diorang tengah tukar shif or sumthing. :(
The Queen and Princess of the Palace!
The Diana Princess of Wales Walkway
Two girls with the Big Ben
London's Eye!
Sayang jugak kami tak naik!! Ramai orang time tu. Ugh!
We managed to visit/see the above places on our first day. Kejap je kan? Ye laaa.. Tak masuk mane2 tour. LOL. Rasa agak rugi bler fikir balik. Then again, buat ape masuk muzium mahal-mahal when we're not really interested in history? LOL.
Not many people know this but Mr. Chenta lived in London in late 1990s. We went to his neighborhood. i guess he missed his childhood there. Huhu.
Getting there..
Beautiful church.
This Chinese-Muslim restaurant looks yummy. Tapi tak sempat singgah sebab tak jumpe tempat parking.
Dah sampai!
Welcome to Lewisham!
His old school, Rathfern primary School.
His old house.
On the way back to Central London (to Shaq's and Faiz's houses) we saw Chelsea Stadium! We're not football fan, apatah lagi Chelsea fan. Tapi dah bende depan mata harus lah singgah kan? LOL
We were starved after our visit to Lewisham. Jumpe kedai kebab depan Chelsea stadium!
Nampak tak muke kebuluran?
Chelsea Stadium
Mr. Chenta is the new coach. Hehe
And i'm their new player!
Tours info.
We also went to shopaholic's shopping heaven. HARROD'S!
They're having the annual sale!
Looking oh-so-heavenly!
Pakcik Harrod's yang comel dan friendly!
Nanti kite gi lagi oke BB? This time i wanna borong all the Diors, Louboutins, Chanels, Marc Jacobs in there!
We also went to Madame Tussaud's! The line was crazy long! Berkat kesabaran yang ada, dapat jugak masuk.. Phew!
Me, myself and i!
i was there!
Giving Kate Moss a kiss!
Dinner with the sexay George Clooney
It's amazing how my ex boyfriend can get along well with my current boyfriend. Huahaha
Mr. Chenta was ecstatic to see Miley.
The gorgeous Lady Diana.
My palm against the late Michael Jackson's.
MJ's initial.
The gorgeous Lady Diana.
My palm against the late Michael Jackson's.
MJ's initial.
Itu lah sedikit sebanyak tentang London through my eyes. Banyak lagi tempat tak terpergi seperti London Dungeon, Greenwich, and errr banyak lagi la! Tapi apakan daya,takde rezeki. time tu Nanti dah banyak duit bole gi lagi.
Phew! Panjang gak post pasal London ni ek? Ini belom lagi ditokok tambah dengan trips ke Paris, Bicester Village, Manchester, Liverpool, Bath, and Stonehenge! Nanti ade mase saya nak bercerita lagi. Nak gak bercerite! So that the memory lives in my writing even if i forget (al maklum laaa saye ni pelupe orangnyer!)
wuuu...lamenye tak bace blog kawan2...ku ade downtime laa...tp sukenyeeee tengok gamba...best2...