April 22, 2010

Bebelan dari Airport

Hey-ho ya'll!

Haha.. Hati riang gumbira.. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Kuala Lumpur.. Tapi stuck di Miri airport. Lalalala.. What to do, what to do? Kami mintak earlier flight (instead of flight sebenar jam 6.30 petang) dan dimasukkan ke dalam WAITING LIST. Harap lah dapat flight jam 4.10 petang.. Tak sabar mau pulang ke pangkuan keluarga. (Ceh, macam la sudah 5 tahun tidak pulang).

Kami kebosanan di sini. Transit 6 jam kot. Pschttt! Lalu saya pon mengambil kesempatn ber-belog sambil tergedik-gedik cam-whoring. Tergelak-gelak Zarith melihat diriku yang shamelessly posing bajet comel. Huahaha..

 Oke.. Tolong jangan gelakkan bangs saya :p

Buat-buat busy

Travel companions.
Make-up bag kaler pink tu bukan berisi mekap okeh. Gler ke masuk utan bawak mekap? Dalam tu ade safety boots dan sebagainye :p

Zarith with her sexy Vaio

Killing time

Lately i'm so crazy over this song by this new band, TILU. Not so new, they're formed in 2008. Yea, the band name is weird but it means "3" in Sundanese. Members of the band are from 3 different country; Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. Cool eh? 

i like their song "Ku Bukan Aku" so freaking much. Relax je lagu dier. Videoclip dier pon sangat comel. Ala-ala Alice in Wonderland. Hehe. Nah, sila enjoy videoclip mereka.

Ku Bukan Aku by Tilu
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