Hope it's not too late to wish ya'll a very Happy New Year!
Alhamdulillah, my 2016 has been smooth-sailing and great. Just to recap:
1) i got back to work in January 2016 after 8 months of being a stay-at-home mom (2 months maternity leave, 6 months unpaid leave). Feel so good to be back in the office (a new office, new boss, new colleagues..) and to finally receive my own paycheck at the end of the month!
2) Afif started school. It's just playschool but he adapted beautifully. He loves going to school and making friends. At first he's in the mainstream class but in August, after much deliberation and feedback from his teachers, we moved him into Behavorial Modification Program (BMP) because we feel he would benefit in the class. Speech, occupational and water therapies are included in the program and he seemed to be happier. Except for water therapy class. He hates it.
3) Mr. Chenta advanced in his career woohoo!
4) i advanced in my career. Woohoo!
5) We get to traveled to 2 foreign lands which the main languages are not English; Seoul and Beijing. But we survived! What with language barrier and traveling with kids. The experience are priceless.
6) i gained 3 kgs in 2016. Bahahahaha.. Dear God, help me shed these kgs off, please! Before this, i swore i'd rather die than let my weight touch 55kg. Now i have to find a way to lose those excess weight. Anyone wants to fund my liposuction? Anyone?
7) Alhamdulillah for my healthy family. We're blessed with good health, both parents and kids did not encounter major health issues and not hospitalized. This is the biggest blessing.
8) We celebrated our 10th year of being together and 5th year of marriage! Alhamdulillah.
9) But on a sad note, my sister-in-law (my brother's wife) was diagnosed with stage 4 kanser pangkal hidung. We got this news in Ramadhan. She had undergone rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She is truly a strong and beautiful human being. Please pray that she would recover soon and be cancer-free.
i think that's all the major events in my 2016.
i wish and pray that 2017 will be better; Better health, blessed with endless rezeqi, more happiness and more contentment in life.
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