December 18, 2014

Afif at 26 Months

Wow. As i looked at the title of this post, it hit me that Afif is 26 months already. i used to be the kind of person who goes "Hishhh.. Ape la kira umur anak ikot bulan. Cakap je la 2 tahun or 2 tahun setengah!" But he's not really 2 years and belom pon lagi 2 tahun setengah. So nak jugak tulis 26 bulan baahaha..

Alhamdulillah my baby is growing up happily and accordingly.

Picky Eater

i've been worried as his appetite is not as big as i wanted it to be. Aku selalu suka tengok budak makan banyak, suap je ape pon dia telan. Anak aku nan hado. Appetite bermusim. Certain days dia boleh makan nasik berlauk (feveret dia nasik, kicap manis dan ikan goreng). Kalo takde lauk baby-friendly, aku gorengkan pasta or bagi pasta bolognese je. Last two weeks dia cam sakit mulut, bila check rupanya gigi geraham tumbuh. So for two weeks, all he wanted to eat was homemade mushroom soup with bread. Homemade ok. Yang Campbell's dalam tin tu tanak. Diva sangat. He eats that for lunch and dinner EVERYDAY. God knows how many times i made mushroom soup and kept them frozen. Aku sampai takleh tengok dah mushroom soup. Porridge or pumpkin soup memang tanak ye. Skang ni dah tak sakit gigi agaknye dia feveret dia pasta plak.

On a positive side, he doesn't really eat junk food. Mungkin sebab kitorang memang tak ajar , dia tak reti makan coklat, aiskrim, cikedis sangat (kitorang makan junks when he's not around or sleeping muahaha). Aiskrim and cakes tu boleh la dia makan 2-4 suap. Keropok makan yang keropok ikan goreng kat umah tu je. Roti and yogurt dia memang suka.

Agaknye sebab dia tak suka nasik, berat dia around 11kg je. Kadang kitorang laki bini dok kata "Kesiannye la anak kita. Kurus".

Tak Tau Duduk Diam

i don't know if it's a boy thing or generally all babies at this age are like this but oh my God Afif memang tak reti langsung dok diam. The only time he can sit still is when he's writing/menconteng or watching TV/iPad (itu pon berjoget/memanjat la dia). Other than that, he'll be busy going up and down the stairs (we don't really bother to close the safety gate anymore), up and down furniture, exploring the house for lizards, ants, and cats, and wrestling the life out of Mr. Chenta and i.

Eating out is a nightmare for us. NIGHTMARE! i'm not exaggerating. He can only sit on the baby chair for two seconds. Pastu sibok nak keluar and naik turun escalator/ke jalan raya/naik turun lif/walk around. Ada sekali ni gi makan kat Adam Lai, kat situ ada akarium yang rendah (which is stupid coz kids can dip their hands or even swim in the aquarium) and all he wanted to do is dip his hands in the water while looking at me with an evil smile sambil nak masukkan tangan berair ikan tu dalam mulut. Argh! Aku tak paham camne baby lain boleh behave kat restoran. Kitorang umpan dia ngan iPad pon dia tak heran. We avoid eating out with him at all costs. Sebab boleh buat gaduh je. Humph!

He now is a bit possessive. Pantang nampak orang main ngan toys dia, mula lah nak sibuk. But he likes socializing with people especially kids his age. Masalahnya dia tak suka budak yg lagi kecik drp dia lagi. Camne nak ajar untuk sayang adik eh? Huhu

Thankfully he doesn't have bad tantrums. Tak pernah lagi la in public dia nanges guling-guling or hentak kaki. Belom reti kot. Tak reti jugak mintak benda/mainan bila gi mall/grocery shopping. i hope you stay that way forever. Baahaha.

Suke main nyorok-nyorok. Favorite hiding spot is blakang kain, blakang telekung. Bahaha. 

Orang nak main bola sepak dia pi amek bola tu bawak lari. Takmo share (-____-)

Obsessed with ABC

We try to vary the toys in his playroom mainly because he needs that for speech and language development. But for the past few weeks, dia suka nyanyi, 'baca', susun ABC je. We have ABC charts in his room pastu dapat pulak whiteboard dengan ABC magnets masa birthday haritu.. Keje dia susun alphabets all over the house je la nowadays. Pantang nampak signboard kat memana sibuk la tunjuk sambil 'membaca'. Tapi tunggang langgang la. Bahasa dia. Baahaha.

Alphabets dia tu boleh la kenal and sebut A, E, F, I, M.. Aku sebenarnya risau gak sebab cam awal je 2 tahun dah semangat nk blaja ABC. Initially letak ABC chart tu utk bagi dia kenal name objek je. Tapi bak kata laki aku, dah dia suka, takkan nak halang. Daripada tengok kartun baik tgk ABC.

Clingy Manja

i'm almost 6 months pregnant now tapi korang jangan tak tau.. He's still breastfeeding. Yes. Sigh. i know. i tried to wean him off. Letak lemon, letak asam jawa. He just brush them off with his hands and continue feeding. Aku pon heran sebab aku rase takde susu dah. i guess he's doing it purely for comfort. Sebelom tido memang minom 6-7oz FM. Tapi pastu cari aku jugak. It's mostly my fault coz i'm not stern enough. Aku tak sampai hati biar dia nanges cari nenen while i just lay there keraskan hati.

Orang kata budak nak dapat adik ni memang manja. Memang kalo aku kat rumah memang dia suka la berkepit. Kalo main, kene aku ade same and layan. Tengok ipad/tv kene beriba or dia suka aku letak tangan atas peha dia. Kadang tu tetiba dia datang and pelok cium. Tido malam kene berpelok. Hihi. Sian daddy di pinggiran.

Mama kene dok sebelah dia teman membaca, main bagai..

Hearing and Speech

Alhamdulillah he's progressing good. Dr. Basha is very happy with his progress. Dah ada la a few words yang walopon pelat, tapi kitorang boleh paham. His hearing age is 11 months but his hearing and speech progress at age 13 months. This is good news because although his progress is a bit behind than his actual age, it is still more advance than his hearing age.

Among his words are daddy, mama, air, apple (dia sebut a-em). Consonant sounds still limited tapi vowel sounds ok dah. Contoh kaki = a-i. Cicak = i-ak. Habis = a-es. Afif = a-i jugak. Haha. 

Dr. Basha kata speech development memang start dengan vowel sounds dulu. InshaAllah he'll be able to pronounce words better when he hears more of it. Mama and daddy have to talk non-stop kasi dia banyak exposed to words. Baik lah!

All in all, alhamdulillah. Makin lama makin bijak. Nak jadi abang pon haa..
4 comments on "Afif at 26 Months"
  1. Alhamdulillah he's doing very well. Ok la at least dia nk mkn pasta!safiyya nasik putih ngn telo dadar je skrg ni.tu pn nasik sikit je.bab lasak x reti dok diam tu mmg stage diorg aku rasa but thank god ktrg boleh handle dia lg if bwk mkn luar. Just bg dia air ada ais n sudu mmg senyap lah dia. N afif kira berat la tu 11kg! Anak aku x sampai kot!haha

    1. tu laa alhamdulillah. haha wehh kalo aku bg air and ais memang dia mandi la kat restoren tu. baahaha..

  2. apsal bila aku baca pasal afif ni aku rasa macam baca pasal hamza? hahahahah...sama gila dari segi suka makan nasi-ikan goreng-kicap, tak duk diam langsung memanjat je keroja, tak boleh duduk dalam highchair atau carseat dah...sigh, penat ajar dari kecik last2 dah besar tak dok carseat gak. hahah...manja dengan mak, kalau mak takda baru nak sama abah dia..hehehe

    but babe, i am really impressed, afif dah boleh cakap! he speaks better than hamza.
    *Panic mode activated. aku rasa memang kena amik kelas speech theraphy untuk hamza ni. orang kat pusat audiologi tu tak layan aku sampai skang tak bagi appointment.

    1. baahaha.. so i guess memang stage diorang la kan takmo dok diam. kitorang siap plan "no more eating out with him til he's 4". sbb trauma dah mak bapak nye haa. huhu

      babe i'm sure hamza will catch up in no time. yg pasal speech therapy tu mmg standard la kan gomen spital ni lembab. i would suggest you go to gomen paed and mintak referral letter ke UKM jalan temerloh tu. kalo ade referral letter cepat sket kot diorg layan..


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