i seriously miss blogging.
The past two months have been eventful that i hardly have time to write. Work is crazy. personal life is also crazy. In a nutshell:
1) Shaf Got Engaged
- My bestfriend, Shaf, got engaged to her boyfriend Shafiq!
2) Family + GF Vacay in Lombok
- Shaf, Shaq, Mr. Chenta, Afif and i spent 4 days 3 nights in Lombok. That place is so beautiful it deserves an entire post for itself. Will upload it sometime this week. i promise!
3) Afif & Rotavirus
-Tak sempat habis rasa ke-best-an becuti di Lombok, Afif kene diarrhea yang dahsyat. It all started during our flight back from Lombok to KL. Lagi sejam nak sampai KL, dia start poo poo dalam flight. Ok fine tukar pampers. Ok je poo poo dia tak cair or anything. 20 minutes after that, kitorang bau lagi dia poo poo. Busok. Pastu nampak pampers dah nak bocor kat tepi tu. Cepat-cepat tukar kat lavatory. Sampai airport, poo poo lagi.
- We reached home at about 6pm. He continued poo poo yang cair. Kesian. Malam tu demam yang panas. Kasi PCM pon kejap je kebah. Pastu demam balik.
- The next morning, kami risau sebab demam tak reda and masih diarrhea. Bawak dia gi PCMC's ER. His temperature was 39.9°C! Doctor and nurse cecepat masukkan ubat bontot (first time ever for him) and lap badan dia ngan kain basah. Unfortunately, wad paedriatric was full. We chose to go to Columbia Asia Setapak (CAS) instead.
- Sampai CAS, jumpa paed nama Dr. Faizal. Dia check Afif. Thankfully he did not look dehydrated yet. Menangis still keluar air mata. Bibir only a bit dry. But he admitted Afif to the ward, just to make sure he's well hydrated.
- We spent 3 days at the hospital. On the second day memang confirm Afif kene rotavirus. Thankfully he didn't puke. Not even once. Tapi memang berbelas kali la kuar masuk toilet basuh poo poo dia. Kesian dengan bontot melecetnya. Dah la second day tu aku sorang yang jaga dia coz hubby had to go to work.
- Bila dah discharged, dia still cirit birit kat rumah. Thankfully the next day terus okay. Alhamdulillah.
- i honestly did not think that the food or water in Lombok caused the diarrhea. Coz we were pretty choosy of where and what we eat (except for on the third day makan kat warung. Tapi kalo kene kat situ, mesti la within hours dia dah start cirit). i think the baby changing room at the airport that we went to just before departing is the culprit.
4) Sister-in-law Flew Off to UK to Further Study
- My sister-in-law, Farah, is now a postgraduate student at University of Surrey. She's Afif's favorite aunt, sebab memang dok skali pon. Dia yang gi study, aku yang excited. i now have a reason to go to UK again! Muahahaha..
5) Mr. Chenta is Now a Temporary Stay-at-home Dad!
- Because Afif needs round the clock interaction with us, ideally i have to stay at home and be his speech therapist. i did that earlier this year (3-months unpaid leave). Kali ni, laki aku plak voluntarily offer diri nak jaga Afif. Nak merasa plak katanya. So he's on 3-months unpaid leave jugak. Is he a superdaddy or what? i'm one lucky girl!
- So far so good. Baru dia tau penatnya jadi full time househusband. Dr. Basha is so impressed seeing Afif's improvement after only 1-week hubby cuti. Sapa kata mak je yang pandai jaga anak?
6) Afif Turned 2!
- Last Saturday was Afif's second birthday! Time passes by just like that. Sebab tahun lepas takde any birthday celebration untuk dia (seketul kek pon takde wey), we decided to throw him a party. This too, deserve a whole post for itself. Will update later.
Okay that's all i got for now. Till next post!
The past two months have been eventful that i hardly have time to write. Work is crazy. personal life is also crazy. In a nutshell:
1) Shaf Got Engaged
- My bestfriend, Shaf, got engaged to her boyfriend Shafiq!
The bride-to-be & i
Please please notice that i'm wearing my wedding skirt. Happy mak sebab still muat walopon ketat sket. Muahahaha
Bestfriends since 1999
Sebelom tu kawan je tak kawan baik. Baahaha.
2) Family + GF Vacay in Lombok
- Shaf, Shaq, Mr. Chenta, Afif and i spent 4 days 3 nights in Lombok. That place is so beautiful it deserves an entire post for itself. Will upload it sometime this week. i promise!
View at The Chandi Resort & Spa, Lombok.
3) Afif & Rotavirus
-Tak sempat habis rasa ke-best-an becuti di Lombok, Afif kene diarrhea yang dahsyat. It all started during our flight back from Lombok to KL. Lagi sejam nak sampai KL, dia start poo poo dalam flight. Ok fine tukar pampers. Ok je poo poo dia tak cair or anything. 20 minutes after that, kitorang bau lagi dia poo poo. Busok. Pastu nampak pampers dah nak bocor kat tepi tu. Cepat-cepat tukar kat lavatory. Sampai airport, poo poo lagi.
- We reached home at about 6pm. He continued poo poo yang cair. Kesian. Malam tu demam yang panas. Kasi PCM pon kejap je kebah. Pastu demam balik.
- The next morning, kami risau sebab demam tak reda and masih diarrhea. Bawak dia gi PCMC's ER. His temperature was 39.9°C! Doctor and nurse cecepat masukkan ubat bontot (first time ever for him) and lap badan dia ngan kain basah. Unfortunately, wad paedriatric was full. We chose to go to Columbia Asia Setapak (CAS) instead.
- Sampai CAS, jumpa paed nama Dr. Faizal. Dia check Afif. Thankfully he did not look dehydrated yet. Menangis still keluar air mata. Bibir only a bit dry. But he admitted Afif to the ward, just to make sure he's well hydrated.
- We spent 3 days at the hospital. On the second day memang confirm Afif kene rotavirus. Thankfully he didn't puke. Not even once. Tapi memang berbelas kali la kuar masuk toilet basuh poo poo dia. Kesian dengan bontot melecetnya. Dah la second day tu aku sorang yang jaga dia coz hubby had to go to work.
- Bila dah discharged, dia still cirit birit kat rumah. Thankfully the next day terus okay. Alhamdulillah.
- i honestly did not think that the food or water in Lombok caused the diarrhea. Coz we were pretty choosy of where and what we eat (except for on the third day makan kat warung. Tapi kalo kene kat situ, mesti la within hours dia dah start cirit). i think the baby changing room at the airport that we went to just before departing is the culprit.
It's crazy how much difference a day could make.
One day he's at his healthiest, bersuka ria kat Lombok. The next day terlantar kat katil hospital.
Time ni memang nak berkepit je la.
Asalnya aku tengah in-training to wean him off the breast. But since he's sick, he only wants to breastfeed 24/7. Reject trus susu formula.
Kesian boring dok spital Memang ngadap Upin Ipin, Barney and Pocoyo je la kat iPad.
Ada hikmah jugak sakit. Dia tetiba pandai sebut 3 words in those 3 days.
Ani = Barney
Air = Air (sebab tengok aku asik bancuh Ribena+garam ORS tu)
Ish = Fish
4) Sister-in-law Flew Off to UK to Further Study
- My sister-in-law, Farah, is now a postgraduate student at University of Surrey. She's Afif's favorite aunt, sebab memang dok skali pon. Dia yang gi study, aku yang excited. i now have a reason to go to UK again! Muahahaha..
Sending Kakak off to UK.
Yang bestnya, MIL pon ikot sebab nak settlekan dia kat sana. Ikot hati nak je ikot skali. Kalo la duit tumbuh kat pokok..
5) Mr. Chenta is Now a Temporary Stay-at-home Dad!
- Because Afif needs round the clock interaction with us, ideally i have to stay at home and be his speech therapist. i did that earlier this year (3-months unpaid leave). Kali ni, laki aku plak voluntarily offer diri nak jaga Afif. Nak merasa plak katanya. So he's on 3-months unpaid leave jugak. Is he a superdaddy or what? i'm one lucky girl!
- So far so good. Baru dia tau penatnya jadi full time househusband. Dr. Basha is so impressed seeing Afif's improvement after only 1-week hubby cuti. Sapa kata mak je yang pandai jaga anak?
6) Afif Turned 2!
- Last Saturday was Afif's second birthday! Time passes by just like that. Sebab tahun lepas takde any birthday celebration untuk dia (seketul kek pon takde wey), we decided to throw him a party. This too, deserve a whole post for itself. Will update later.
Okay that's all i got for now. Till next post!
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