Last week i was admitted to Prince Court Medical Center.
i was diagnosed with left lateral gluteal mass. Fuhhh.. macam hebat je bunyinya kan? Nak tau apa itu left lateral gluteal mass? Ia adalah ketulan di bahagian atas bontot belah kiri. Yes i said it. i had some sort of a lump on my upper left ass.
Go on. Laugh all you want. It's rather funny. A lump in the ass.
Now before any of you start picturing funny images, bende alah tu bukan lah directly on my butt cheek. Dia kat bahagian atas. Dekat ngan pinggang.
Mula-mula memang lah segan nak bagitahu orang i had a surgery on my ass. Kang orang ingat aku nak pi besarkan bontot yang sedia besar. Tapi setelah beberapa orang tahu, and orang-orang ni pulak dok bagitahu orang-orang yang lain yang tade kene-mengena (mulut manusia kan.. ko boleh tutup?) so i think tiada gunanya segan-segan sorok-sorok bagai.
The Story
Begini ceritanya.. Late May 2011, i discovered this lump while in the shower. Makin lama, makin besar lak aku rasa lump ni. Mulanya tak la risau sangat coz as far as i know, lumps are normal in fatty parts (e.g breast, butt). But what makes me nervous it the condition of the skin on the surface. Kulit jadi putih setompok and dier kedalam, macam lump tu tarik kulit tu kedalam.
Worried, i went to a clinic, just to get doctor's opinion. To my surprise, she said "This is not normal. I don't know what this is. I'll refer you to a hospital to get it checked properly". My first thought was "Yeayyy gi spital!!" Don't blame me, this is the first time ever i get to go to a hospital for a checkup.
So off i went to see a Breast and Endocrine Specialist at PCMC. She examined it. Scanned it through the ultrasound machine. She said "Err.. i'm not sure what this is. A radiologist downstairs will take a look on this. Maybe she'll know what this is. What concerns me is the skin. I'm just afraid it's a melanoma.." terkejut aku disitu. i know what melanoma is. It's the most dangerous type of skin cancer! Berderau darah.
Seeing the Radiologist
Dengan pasrahnya pegi lah jumpa radiologist. She examined me for quite some time. Pakai tools itu, tools ini. Pastu muka kerut-kerut. Tak sabar, aku pon tanya "Err.. What is that?". masih berkerut pandang skrin ultrasound tu, dia kata "To be honest, Siti, i don't know what this is. i suggest you get it removed." Agak serius bunyinya.
i was scheduled for a surgery the next 2 weeks.
Day of Surgery
Came Thursday, June 30, 2011. Hairannya aku tak risau langsung. malam sebelum pembedahan boleh lagi jalan-jalan amek Mr. Chenta di airport. Pagi pembedahan boleh lagi gelak-gelak. Even 5 minutes before pembedahan sempat tertido sebab boring menunggu.
Anyway, it was supposed to be a day care surgery. Maksudnya lepas surgery boleh balik. So i came dengan hati yang tenang bersama Mr. Chenta. Directly i was brought to the day care unit. Mr. Chenta di halau pulang. Terus tukar baju pakai baju camni:
i was diagnosed with left lateral gluteal mass. Fuhhh.. macam hebat je bunyinya kan? Nak tau apa itu left lateral gluteal mass? Ia adalah ketulan di bahagian atas bontot belah kiri. Yes i said it. i had some sort of a lump on my upper left ass.
Go on. Laugh all you want. It's rather funny. A lump in the ass.
Now before any of you start picturing funny images, bende alah tu bukan lah directly on my butt cheek. Dia kat bahagian atas. Dekat ngan pinggang.
Mula-mula memang lah segan nak bagitahu orang i had a surgery on my ass. Kang orang ingat aku nak pi besarkan bontot yang sedia besar. Tapi setelah beberapa orang tahu, and orang-orang ni pulak dok bagitahu orang-orang yang lain yang tade kene-mengena (mulut manusia kan.. ko boleh tutup?) so i think tiada gunanya segan-segan sorok-sorok bagai.
The Story
Begini ceritanya.. Late May 2011, i discovered this lump while in the shower. Makin lama, makin besar lak aku rasa lump ni. Mulanya tak la risau sangat coz as far as i know, lumps are normal in fatty parts (e.g breast, butt). But what makes me nervous it the condition of the skin on the surface. Kulit jadi putih setompok and dier kedalam, macam lump tu tarik kulit tu kedalam.
Worried, i went to a clinic, just to get doctor's opinion. To my surprise, she said "This is not normal. I don't know what this is. I'll refer you to a hospital to get it checked properly". My first thought was "Yeayyy gi spital!!" Don't blame me, this is the first time ever i get to go to a hospital for a checkup.
So off i went to see a Breast and Endocrine Specialist at PCMC. She examined it. Scanned it through the ultrasound machine. She said "Err.. i'm not sure what this is. A radiologist downstairs will take a look on this. Maybe she'll know what this is. What concerns me is the skin. I'm just afraid it's a melanoma.." terkejut aku disitu. i know what melanoma is. It's the most dangerous type of skin cancer! Berderau darah.
Seeing the Radiologist
Dengan pasrahnya pegi lah jumpa radiologist. She examined me for quite some time. Pakai tools itu, tools ini. Pastu muka kerut-kerut. Tak sabar, aku pon tanya "Err.. What is that?". masih berkerut pandang skrin ultrasound tu, dia kata "To be honest, Siti, i don't know what this is. i suggest you get it removed." Agak serius bunyinya.
i was scheduled for a surgery the next 2 weeks.
Day of Surgery
Came Thursday, June 30, 2011. Hairannya aku tak risau langsung. malam sebelum pembedahan boleh lagi jalan-jalan amek Mr. Chenta di airport. Pagi pembedahan boleh lagi gelak-gelak. Even 5 minutes before pembedahan sempat tertido sebab boring menunggu.
Anyway, it was supposed to be a day care surgery. Maksudnya lepas surgery boleh balik. So i came dengan hati yang tenang bersama Mr. Chenta. Directly i was brought to the day care unit. Mr. Chenta di halau pulang. Terus tukar baju pakai baju camni:
Hehe. Dah macam tukang bedah, bukan orang nak dibedah.
Kat day care center ni ade banyak katil and a few operation theater. Kat katil aku ni siap ade massage chair lagi. i had 1 and a half hour to kill before the surgery. Kalo tau boleh je soh Mr. Chenta teman sambil dia dok berurut di massage chair.
Massage chair sebelah katil.
At 1.45pm. They brought me into the waiting area, near the operation theater. Time ni la aku tertido 5 minit tunggu operation theater ready. At 1.50pm, an anaesthetist (doktor bius) came to see me. Friendly je borak-borak. i was brought into the operation theater. Man, it was cold in there! They had to change my blanket to a warm blanket. Diorang borak-borak lagi while the anaesthetist injek tangan aku masukkan bius tu. pastu ade pulak corong oksigen tu letak kat mulut. Then i was gone.
After Surgery
Tersedar around 4pm, sebab nurse kejutkan. Sangat pening and sangat ngantok. She handed me a case with that 'lump thing' in it. All i saw was blood. Aku ngangguk je and sambung tido balik.
Kol 5.30pm tersedar lagi. Kepala pening yang amat. tekak sakit. i requested to be admitted to the ward. Pening+ngantok tak kuasa aku nak bangun tukar baju, call Mr. Chenta segala nak mengarungi traffic jam balik umah. Tido balik.
At 6.30pm, dah selamat berada di ward. To my delight, my bestie Shaq was there! Weeee..
Borak-borak. But i couldn't concentrate coz i was hungry!! Berpuasa dari malam sebelum kot for the surgery. Nurse bagi egg sandwiches as a light snack habis aku bedal. At around 7.30pm my dinner arrived! Sedap yawww!
i shooed Shaq out at about 8.30pm sebab dier nampak cam penat sangat. Ye la weekdays kan. Balik keje. At 9pm Mr. Chenta arrived with Wan. Merajuk ngan Mr. Chenta sebab tak datang awal-awal. Sobs. Tapi kejap je rajuknya :p
The next morning i woke up feeling sakit-sakit di bahagian dibedah. Bius dah hilang sepenuhnya agaknya. Breakfast was not yummy sebab makan pancake je. i wanted the egg breakfast tapi semalam Wan pesan kene berpantang, takleh makan telur. So makan pancake je.
At arround 1.30pm i was discharged. Went home happily.
Oh, not before i had PCMC's Grilled Salmon with Sauteed Mushroom, mushroom soup, and mashed potatoes. *grin*
Seriously makanan PCMC sedap dowh.
On Monday, i went for a follow-up checkup with the doctor. Test result is ready. Ko tahu tak the size of the lump adalah sebesar bola golf? Argghhh trauma aku dengar! It turns out the lump in my ass was a hematoma or bak kata Melayu nya, darah beku. It grows larger sebab tu la makin lama makin rasa. Nasib baik keluarkan. Kalo tak lama-lama bontot besar sebelah haha. i'm just thankful it's not cancer.
The surgery area is not much of a problem. Biasa lah sakit macam luka dan denyut-denyut lepas surgery. i try not to wear tight pants. i mostly wore maxi dresses and long skirts for a week after the surgery.Longgar-longgar berangin-angin gitewww...
Apa yang sangat sakit adalah tekak dan mulut. Apparently during a surgery which involve a general anasthesia, a tube is inserted into your mouth all the way down to your throat to help you breathe during the surgery. So memang nak dekat dua minggu tekak sangat sakit yang sampai telan air liuyr pon susah. Not only that, maybe because i was dehydrated sebab tak banyak minom (sebab sakit tekak), ulcer tumbuh dengan pesat nya beberapa bijik dalam mulut. Memang dugaan sangat. i couldn't eat, and it hurts even in my sleep. Alhamdulillah hari ni after 10 days, baru surut segala sakit tekak and ulcer.
Sebab duduk dengan Wan, makan memang agak berpantang la. Tak makan telur, tak makan seafood. Takot gatal luka katanya. Cuma ada sekali je termakan butter prawn tapi Wan buat-buat tak nampak lalalala.. hasil nasihat keluarga dan kawan-kawan juga saya makan pati mikan haruan. Sangat tak sedap. Takkan makan dah smpai mase dalam pantang beranak nanti. Bluwekkkk!!
Okay that's the story of my ass. i gotta go now. A hectic week ahead!
p/s: i'm going on a 5-days geological fieldtrip across West Peninsula Malaysia starting tomorrow. Harap-harap luka surgery ok. Takot jugak kalo terkoyak or terbelah. Erk!
At arround 1.30pm i was discharged. Went home happily.
Sempat camwhore dalam toilet. Muahaha.
Oh, not before i had PCMC's Grilled Salmon with Sauteed Mushroom, mushroom soup, and mashed potatoes. *grin*
My last lunch at PCMC. It may not look yummy but the salmon is yummehhh..
Seriously makanan PCMC sedap dowh.
On Monday, i went for a follow-up checkup with the doctor. Test result is ready. Ko tahu tak the size of the lump adalah sebesar bola golf? Argghhh trauma aku dengar! It turns out the lump in my ass was a hematoma or bak kata Melayu nya, darah beku. It grows larger sebab tu la makin lama makin rasa. Nasib baik keluarkan. Kalo tak lama-lama bontot besar sebelah haha. i'm just thankful it's not cancer.
Post Surgery Experience
The surgery area is not much of a problem. Biasa lah sakit macam luka dan denyut-denyut lepas surgery. i try not to wear tight pants. i mostly wore maxi dresses and long skirts for a week after the surgery.Longgar-longgar berangin-angin gitewww...
Apa yang sangat sakit adalah tekak dan mulut. Apparently during a surgery which involve a general anasthesia, a tube is inserted into your mouth all the way down to your throat to help you breathe during the surgery. So memang nak dekat dua minggu tekak sangat sakit yang sampai telan air liuyr pon susah. Not only that, maybe because i was dehydrated sebab tak banyak minom (sebab sakit tekak), ulcer tumbuh dengan pesat nya beberapa bijik dalam mulut. Memang dugaan sangat. i couldn't eat, and it hurts even in my sleep. Alhamdulillah hari ni after 10 days, baru surut segala sakit tekak and ulcer.
Sebab duduk dengan Wan, makan memang agak berpantang la. Tak makan telur, tak makan seafood. Takot gatal luka katanya. Cuma ada sekali je termakan butter prawn tapi Wan buat-buat tak nampak lalalala.. hasil nasihat keluarga dan kawan-kawan juga saya makan pati mikan haruan. Sangat tak sedap. Takkan makan dah smpai mase dalam pantang beranak nanti. Bluwekkkk!!
Pati ikan haruan Polleney.
The most disgusting thing i've ever let into my mouth.
*pic credit to Mr. Google*
Okay that's the story of my ass. i gotta go now. A hectic week ahead!
p/s: i'm going on a 5-days geological fieldtrip across West Peninsula Malaysia starting tomorrow. Harap-harap luka surgery ok. Takot jugak kalo terkoyak or terbelah. Erk!
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