Phew.. Dah nak abes pantang baru sempat nak berbelog bagai.
Life with 2 kids is not easy. Life with 2 boys is even more hectic. Even though Dhani is only 5 weeks old (blom lasak lagi pon) but his appetite is HUGE. Asyik bergayut je keje dier. So my time is spent breastfeeding him and when he's asleep, aku layan Afif plak.
Oh i have not introduce him officially, haven't i?
Peeps, meet my new bundle of joy, Dhani Nur Iman bin Mohd Idzwan Asyraff.
Panjang nau name. Huhu.
He was born on 15.4.15, at Pusrawi, KL. Dr. Noor Fidak's prediction was spot on. He weighed 3.55kg at birth. And yessss.. Aku berjaya VBAC! Walopon bukan intervention-free birth, i'm happy it's not a repeat c-section. Alhamdulillah. Nanti la aku share birth story. Hihi.
Lil' Dhani is 39 days young today. He's healthy and doing good. Haritu kejap je warded sebab jaundice. Dah discaj, dia ok je. Masa 1-month checkup haritu berat dia 4.93kg dah. Huhu.
Dhani is such an easy baby. Tak banyak ragam. Takde colic or kembung perut bagai. Lepas menyusu, dia tido balik or lately suka orang agah2 dia. Paling best sebab malam dia tak berjaga or meragam. Bangon untuk menyusu once or twice pastu tido balik. Tido malam dia nyenyak sebab bawah ketiak aku. Tapi dia kalo tido siang memang senang terjaga kalo aku tak pelok. Maka kene bedung and letak dalam rocker or else tido niarap. Baru lama lenanya.
I am now a proud mother of two boys!
anak ko ni semua handsome-handsome!
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