Today is the 14th day of being a SAHM. The experience? Mixed of yayy and grrrr..
i applied for my unpaid leave in the second week of December. Ada sedikit isu sebabnya kitorang bertukar bos. Bos lama takda authority nak sign, bos baru pulak bila aku cari kat opis dia, selalu takda. But i'm so thankful that all my bosses are understanding and supportive. Siap suruh aku cuti setahun terus. Eh? Pastu kene settlekan bayar in advance loan rumah untuk 3 bulan. Perghh nasib baik ada savings. Kalo tak, susah jugak. Maka gedebuk gedebak, 2 days before actual cuti date tu baru all are signed, sealed and submitted to HR. Legaaa..
Selama ni, aku slalu berangan nak brenti keje, jadi SAHM or have small business from home. But seriously, seminggu sebelum start cuti tu, aku banyak termenung. Kat opis i kept thinking "i'm gonna miss my friends. This computer, i'm gonna miss it.." Sambil jalan kat KLCC tu aku fikir "Goshh i won't be able to drink San Francisco for breakfast for a long long time.." Sampai makcik cleaner and makcik kat foodcourt pon aku sedih memikirkan akan rindu. Tak campur lg hal kerja. Accanner kalo nanti tak reti jadi geologist dah?
And then there's this "Crap! i have to depend on hubby for money.." which stresses me out coz i've always been independent. Buy what i want with my own money. Bak kata member aku "Nanti nak beli jagung rebus kat pasar pon mintak ihsan laki.." Haih..
But a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do.
Start cuti 2 Januari 2014 tuhari tapi sebab first Jan tu public holiday, kiranya new year lah aku jadi surirumah.
Serious weh. Jadi. Surirumah. Adalah. Lagi. Penat. Daripada. Jadi. Working. Mom.
Rutin Pagi
-Bangon around 9am.
-Golek-golek geletek ngan Afif.
-Turun breakfast.
-Feed Afif sambil dia buat sepah/ suap aku/round dapur
-Mandikan Afif.
-Dia nenen setengah jam.
-Activities: Tatih around the house/tengok kucing/tengok Upin Ipin/tengok Barney/main toys indoor/ sambil stress sebab kenapa ko taknak lepas tangan mama bila berjalan? Sambil dia nangis kenapa mama suka lepaskan tangan suruh aku jalan sendiri?
-Nenen lagi
-Afternoon nap. (sometimes for both of us, sometimes only him while i do my thing to get my sanity)
-Masak Afif's lunch / kalo ada mood, masak for the whole family
Rutin Tengah Hari - Petang
-Afif bangon
-Feed Afif lunch sambil stress sebab dia makan sikit.
-Try to get him to nap
-Do chores
-Afternoon walk around the block or playground
-Bathe Afif
Rutin Malam
-Feed Afif dinner
-Mama dinner
-Get Afif to bed (read: nenen for 2 hours to sleep gahhhh)
-Kemas bilik/lipat kain/panaskan lauk/tunggu Hubby balik.
Ini lah lebih kurang rutin aku.
i'm lucky i live with Wan and Mak Ngah. They cook. Kalau sempat, aku basuh, sidai, lipat baju. On days when Afif is not too clingy, i cook/kemas bilik/vacuum. Gitu lah. Setakat ni sempat 3 hari masak mac n' cheese and pizza. Both from scratch nan hado guna ready made sauce bagai.
Tak dapat aku bayangkan full time housewife ada 3-4 orang anak. Mana nak layan budak, kemas rumah, laundry, masak. Memang gila.
But i'm loving it, actually. This stay at home thing. i just wish i can earn what i earn at the office, being a SAHM.
Explained why my Instagram is full of Afif.
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