i can't imagine that i'm
in my 31 week almost 32 weeks already.
9 8 more weeks (or less if he decides to surprise us) and i'll be holding our son in my arms!
This is surreal.
Anyway, i thought it'd be fun if i could list down things i already have/bought and things that i need..
i believe i'm well sorted in this department. Sejak dari 20 weeks da start beli sikit2 time sale (or when there are cute lil' things i thought my baby can't exist without). Not to mention a bag full of used baby clothes my aunt gave me.. Alhamdulillah. Tak semestinya semua kene beli baru kan? Si suami dah suruh stop beli baju budak!
Long sleeve/short sleeve/sleeveless rompers Checked! Around 50pcs of these, size 0-9 mths.
Sleepsuits Checked!
Bootees/Socks Checked! 6 pairs excluding the hands-me-down. Tak cukup nanti leh beli online. Muahaha!
Scratch mittens Checked! 10 pairs excluding the hands-me-down.
Hats Checked! 2 helai cukup ke?
Receiving blankets & swaddle Checked! I especially ADORE the JJ Cole swaddles..
Barut Checked! I think we got about 15 of these, all hands-me-down from my lil' cousins.
Baby laundry detergent Checked!
Drawer/Wardrobe for clothes
In progress. Lepas kemas2 bilik baru decide which kind we need.
Alhamdulillah almost 100% ready. Did i miss anything apart from listed below?
Breast pump Checked! Remember this post? Heee..
Feeding bottles + teats Checked! A set of 4 newborn bottles from Avent and 2 Tommee Tippee.
Storage bottles + storage bags Checked! 8 bottles plus 25 bags for a start.
Sterilizer Checked! We decided to soak in hot water plus sterilizer pill as people say the sterilizer machine is not really useful.
Bottle & teat brush Checked!
Bottle/food warmer
Not buying i guess. See how la when baby comes..
Bib Checked! We got 6 pcs.
Burp cloths Checked!
Bottle drying rack Checked!
Bottle cleanser Checked!
Bathing/Baby Care:
Bath tub Checked! i can't believe these plastic tubs costs more than RM50! We ended up buying at Ikea's for RM20.
Baby shampoo/baby bath Checked! i bought Bubchen's travel pack. Try dulu kalau baby ok and tak allergic baru beli besar.
Baby lotion/oil Checked!
Diaper rash cream Will buy! Which brand is good? Anyone tried the Earth Mama Angel Baby cream? Checked! got in a set of Bud's Newborn travel kit
Cotton buds Checked!
Cotton balls What are these for? Checked!
Hooded towels + towels Checked! 1 hooded towel and 2 non-hooded ones.
Changing mat Checked!
Baby wipes Checked!
Brush & comb Checked!
Nasal aspirator
Do we really need this? Please help!
Baby nail clipper Checked!
Thermometer Checked!
Disposable diapers Checked!
Minyak telon Checked!
Baby crib
Still deciding whether or not to buy. My aunt gave us a baby cot/playpen but i really want a wooden new one!
Mattress (latex)
Will buy once we decided on the baby crib.
Blankets Checked! We have 3.
Bedding sets Checked! Got a set from Aussino for RM99, normal price was RM349. Good buy heh? i also bought a seperate quilt (for golek-golek) and bantal karipap from a lady in Kuantan. Will review once i got it.
Mosquito net for crib Will buy! Checked!
Baby bouncer/rocker
Is this useful? Do we need these from newborn or can we wait until baby is 3 months old? i really like Bright Starts Rock in the Park Rocker. So cuteeeee...
Part travel ni adalah masalah sikit. We still haven't bought the stroller and car seat. Hubster and i want to be really sure because these two things are expensive. Tanak tersalah beli lak nanti. We decided stroller tak rushing sangat. Lepas baby lahir pon still boleh beli. Car seat memang kene beli cepat sebab nanti nak balik dari spital nak letak baby kat mana? Tak selamat woooo pangku. Diaper bag pon still in survey. Hehe.
Undecided whether to buy before or after Lil' Munchkin arrives.
Car seat
Will buy soon!
Baby sling\carrier
If we have a stroller, do we need this? Kalau beli stroller lambat of course la kene beli..
Diaper bag + travel changing mat Need to buy soon! Checked! A Carter set of two bags bought from Supermak Shop
Head support cushion for stroller
Pending on stroller
For Mommy:
Disposable/washable breast pads Checked!
Nursing bras
Pending. Tunggu final size nanti. Muahaha.
Nipple cream Checked! Bought Lansinoh because of good review. Harap-harap okay lah.
Maternity pads Checked!
Nipple shields
Perlu kah? Help!
Set berpantang Checked! Nona Roguy paling banyak di-rekemen maka Nona Roguy lah akan dicuba.
Confinement lady Checked! i have booked a makcik berpantang setelah di-rekemen oleh kawan. Harap-harap lah okay dan mudah kurus kembali. Amin.
Warm socks i have a few. Kene beli lagi 1-2 pasang. Boleh ke pakai ankle socks pegi gym tu? Checked!
Indoor slipper Checked!
Nursing tops
Disposable briefs Checked!
Bengkung Checked! Confinement lady kata dia sediakan. But i'll buy/make another one for when her 2-weeks service finishes.
That's all i got in my list. Did i leave anything out? Do i need anything more? Help!
cotton balls tu perlu darl..untuk bersihkan pusat baby...sebelum and after tali pusat tertanggal...nurse akan bg 1 ubat untuk cotton balls tu mmg wajib ada :-)
ReplyDeleteoohhh.. begitu rupanya. thanks anis! sumpah la tatau apa function dia.. haha..
Deletehi dear, just passing through. i tgh survey confinement set & stumbled on to your blog. cotton balls tu u can use to clean d baby's private area. i used cotton balls & warm water sampai baby dah few mths old then baru guna wipes coz newborn baby's skin very sensitive. as for d nasal aspirator, i bought the set from mothercare but ended up x guna sgt pun coz i think d traditional way (suck guna mulut) more effective. when is ur edd? gdluck!!
ReplyDeleteHello Juju!
DeleteThanks for ur advice. I heard that baby wipes are actually not good but being a first time mom, i'm clueless! Will definitely try the au naturel way (cotton ball+water for cleaning and ditch the nasal aspirator). Thanks!