June 15, 2012

Feeling Like a Whale

When i first got pregnant, i vowed to myself that when i blog, my posts are NOT gonna be all about pregnancy. i wanna talk about my life with VERY little mention of my growing bump.

i even have a list of things that i wanna babble about such as;

1) My girlfriends gateaway cum babymoon trip to Phuket (i went with my two best girlfriends and my husband)
2) Kuching wedding reception
3) My recent trip to Malacca
4) Recipe post


Sadly, everyday when i get home i'm so knackered that all i wanna do is rest on the bed watching my favorite series, have dinner, cuddle with Mr. Chenta and sleep. If i'm feeling ok, i'll lipat kain and do some cleaning in the kitchen and bedroom but chances are no, i don't feel too well. So bye bye to any thoughts of blogging.

Now i'm blogging past lunchtime, (because i kinda miss blogging) excited because in exactly 40 minutes i'm gonna have my monthly checkup at the hospital. Yeayyy!

This time, i'm hoping to know the baby's gender! Tolong lah kangkang anakku sayang. Mama and papa want to see what's between your legs. This waiting is killing me. i need to shop for gender-specific items!! i need to shopppp!

Anyway, here is my bump at 20 weeks 3 days. i feel like a whale.

Update: Hehehehehehe.. Tadi masa scan baby saya sujud panjang. Sujud berbantalkan placenta. Puas doctor agah-agah dia suruh tunjuk tuttttt dia. Tapi takmo jugak. Bila dah nak give up, baru dia angkat kaki sket ;)

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